King's Business - 1962-03


THE BIBLE IN ST ITU TE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

I om interested in □ TH E IN V E STM EN T IN CO M E P LAN

Dr. T. J. Bach

M y n am e ......................................................

M y address

Whenever our souls become crushed through the weight of a fervent desire, God forthwith makes His testimonies our great­ est delight. It is true that for many years I have dwelt with the Fountain and Source of blessing, but my great regret is that so little bless­ ing has flowed through me to others.


If we desire to be kept in the place of blessing, we must be missionary-minded and mission­ ary-hearted.

God’s rivers of blessings can deepen and broaden.

God is continually permitting us to come in contact with those who disagree with us. Unless we are broken in spirit and tender of heart, we are inclined to be hard and indifferent toward such i n d i v i d u a l s . A hard-hearted Christian must be a great sorrow to God. The world crowns us for suc­ cess. God will crown us for our faith in Christ, our faithfulness to Him, and our tenderness to­ ward man.

Many of the Lord's people today are seeking a sound investment—income plan. Those who want to give a part of their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividend returns, find this plan meets their needs. When you enter into this type of an agreement with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, you become an active participant in all of its missionary activities. The investor is given maximum protection, in case of emergency, through the withdrawal clause, which makes possible recovery of funds originally invested. What better way can one receive an income in the Lord's work!

In the midst of arguments and quarrels, there is seldom room for gentleness, mercy, and prayer.

“ If there be some weaker one, Give me strength to help him on. If a blinder soul there be, Let me guide him nearer Thee.” — Laura B. B arter Snow



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