King's Business - 1962-03


book reviews

by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Blob Collage v- Sfili I " *

to the sacred Scriptures. The broad grasp of the Word of God is evident on every page. Doubtless, most stu­ dents of the prophetic Scriptures will concur in his comprehensive outline of coming events, even if there may be differences in a few details. The reasoning is logical, the subject mat­ ter is strictly Biblical, and the con­ clusions are in most cases inescapable. Here is a man full of the Scriptures, full of faith, and full of love for Israel. May he be spared to us for years to come! xii, 202 pages; Biblical Re­ search Society, Los Angeles; no price given. — Reviewed by Charles Lee Feinberg. Because of the essential and crucial era in which this Jewish historian lived (c. 37 A.D.-100 A.D.), ancient and Biblical historians cannot afford to neglect the works of Flavius Jose­ phus. Now that the newly-discovered Dead Sea Scrolls are being scrutin­ ized for contributions to the back­ grounds of the New Testament and pre-Christian Judaism, scholars are busily engaged in comparing the testimony of Josephus with the con­ tents of the Scrolls. As with any historian, the works of Josephus must be used with cau­ tion, but his work is undeniably valu­ able. This inexpensive edition surely will be received gladly and appreci­ ated deeply by students everywhere. The illustrations are a happy feature and lend atmosphere to the written material, xxi, 770 pages; Kregel Pub­ lications, Grand Rapids; paper-back, $4.50; cloth, $6.95. — Reviewed by Charles Lee Feinberg. Josephus: Complete Works By William Whiston, trans. YOU CAN W IN SOULS by C. E. Autrey 160 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $2.75. The majority of Christians never witness effect tively to their faith. This book is designed to get them to do so and to tell them how to do it Special chapters are devoted to half a dozen types of people— the indifferent, Catholics, Jews, Spir­ itists, and doubters, for example. The author has taught evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is now director of the Division of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 W est Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. THE KING 'S BUSINESS BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current Publications)

Adam to Daniel Edited by Gaalyahu Cornfeld

This is “ an illustrated guide to the Old Testament and its background,” as the subtitle indicates. The editor was assisted by Bible scholars, his­ torians, and archaeologists in Israel. Because this book comes out of Israel, one finds in it an intimacy with the cultural and social life of the He­ brews. On the negative side, one is faced with the fact that these men are not Christians, for the most part, and are primarily interested in re­ porting and representing documents, artifacts, and material evidences of Bible life. The title indicates some­ thing of the theological attitude rep­ resented—Daniel, they say, was the last of the Old Testament books to be written, emerging between the Old and New Testaments. As a documentary work, beautiful­ ly illustrated by colored plates, this work is a tremendously interesting and enlightening collection. Proceed­ ing in historical order, it tells the story of the Old Testament with reproduc­ tions of hundreds of museum and monument pieces. In many cases the representations directly related to Biblical materials, in others closely related in that they present parallel or similar identities. In other in­ stances recent photographs of places in Palestine show the modern version of familiar sites. For one who has had little or no experience in reading archaeology, this book will open up a vast field. For the more mature scholar, it will provide a useful hand­ book to many Biblical passages. Un­ fortunately there is no indeJc. 558 pages; cloth; Macmillan Co., New York; $13.95. The present volume is the sixth in the Messianic series, which will complete seven works in all. For al­ most half a century the name of Dr. David L. Cooper has been associated with love for God’s people Israel and devotion to the cause of their evan­ gelization. He has been tireless in speaking and writing with this objec­ tive in mind. He has been a man of one purpose and that a glorious one. The reviewer found every page of this volume a delight to read because of its reverent and humble approach Messiah: His Glorious Appearance Imminent By David L. Cooper

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