King's Business - 1962-03

I TH INK I'LL BE by George W. Hoyer. 65 pages; paper; Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, price not listed. A workbook to be used with young people in the church to help them to decide on a vocation. BIBLE PICTURES W ITH SIMPLE STORIES by Al Bryant. Unpaged; paper over boards; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, $2.95. A short story per page accompanied by a beautiful illustration will make this a favorite volume for young children. BILL AND BETTY LEARN ABOUT GOD by Margaret Anderson. 48 pages; paper over boards; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, $1.95. This is a well illustrated book for children de­ signed to teach them through simple illustrations what God is like. JESUS AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, TEN FLANNELGRAPH LESSONS. 23 pages; paper: The Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, $1.50. Instructions are given for teaching each com­ mandment to the primary-junior and the youth- adult departments. SWALLOW CLIFF by Ellen L. Drummond. 284 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $3.50. This novel of village life in China recounts the calamities which drive a heathen family to seek refuge in Christ. The author is a retired mission­ ary to China. LOOKING UNTO HIM, A MESSAGE FOR EACH DAY by Frank E. Gaebelein. 208 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, $3.00. These inspiring daily devotional meditations are unusually pertinent in their application to one's daily life. THE MODERN READER'S BIBLE ATLAS by H. H. Rowley, viii, 87 pages; 32 maps. Paper; A s­ sociation Press, New York; $1.50. A pocket paperback atlas that gives a surprising amount of information on Biblical sites, archaeology, his­ tory, etc. The author is one of England^ most authoritative Biblical scholars. This is Giant Re­ flection Book, No. 700. WHAT JESUS MEANS TO ME by H. W. Gockel. 142 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $1.25. The riches of the Christian life are presented simply but warmly and in everyday language. Makes an ideal gift book at any time, but especially for someone who needs to develop his faith. THE STORY OF THE CHRIST CHILD by Leon Morris. 128 pages; cloth; William E. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.50. A devotional study of the nativity stories in Luke and Matthew. The author, who is Warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge, England, endeavors in this volume to bring the subtle beauties of the Greek original of these passages to the general reader, with a good deal of success. LITTLE LAMBS by Bill Behm. Unpaged; paper; Condordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $1.00. A cartoon book presenting the youngsters and their experiences at church and Sunday school and their observation thereabout. STAND UP IN PRAISE TO GOD by Paul S. Rees. 117 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. Ten messages on the Trinity by one of America's master preachers, who is now Vice-President-at-Large of World Vision LOOKING UNTO HIM; MESSAGES FOR EACH DAY by Frank E. Gaebelein. 208 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $3.00. Reprint of the 1941 edition. SIMPLE TALKS FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS by W. Herschel Ford. 120 pages; cloth; Zonder­ van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. These are sample talks (twenty of them) with a selec­ tion of illustrations, provided for lay people who are not accustomed to preparing their own mes­ sages. They cover prayer meeting talks, sermon outlines, and gospel invitations. Mr. Ford is pastor of the First Baptist Church of El Paso, Texas. EFFECTIVE READINGS FOR SPECIAL DAYS AND OCCASIONS by Laura S. Emerson. 118 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. This is a rather interesting selection of materials from a goodly number of sources that lend themselves to vocal utilization. They are grouped under special days and church occasions. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MOSES by W. A. Criswell. 175 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas shares sixteen of his sermons here. They are all centered around the career of Moses. THE THIRD CROSS by Avin Harry Johnston. 346 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $3.50. A major novel of the time of Christ involving a Roman soldier and a Jewish pirl. Three years of research went into the writ­ ing of it, which is about par for this kind of work. Those who like Biblical novels will enjoy this one. SIMPLE SERMONS FOR TODAY'S WORLD by I W. Herschel Ford. 120 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Twelve messages on New Testament themes. By the pastor of the First Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas.

V.B.S. material whose every facet teaches God’ s Word? Take a look at the Herald Summer Bible School Series! The theme, daily les­ sons, and activity materials all do what you want— teach the Word and glorify God. Theme: Witnessing for Jesus The theme and devotional material teach that witnessing is sharing and that when you share both the giver and receiver benefit. Children are shown why they should witness and how they may witness. The lesson material serves the church in furthering its mission through Biblical illustrations and related pupil activity. The Bible is basic. All lessons are adapted to the experience of the children. Each teacher’s manual has complete teaching helps, including project and game ideas. Recognized in many lands. The Herald Summer Bible School Series is used by Spanish-, French-, Ger­ man-, Hindi-, and Italian-speaking peoples. t r e e Herald Summer Bible School Leader’s Guide contains theme, theme song, ten daily devotions on theme, closing program, description of each grade of the series, description of teaching aids for each grade, and much other useful infor­ mation. Ask your dealer for your copy or write today.

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MARCH, 1962


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