King's Business - 1962-03

□ed icatedSundaySchoo lTeachers are


T H e B I B L I C A L , E X P O S I T O R V V ^ P the perfect aid to teaching the Word of God Of this new devotional commentary, edited by Carl F. H. Henry, Moody Monthly says:

people Dr. Lamberta Voget has announced that the National Association of Christians in Social Work will hold its annual meeting April 26-28 at North Park College, Chicago. Rev. Ernest Pierson, chairman of pub­ licity for the June annual meeting of the Independent Fundamental Churches in America, met with other officials to plan the conclave which will be held on the Biola Campus:

“ Heartily recommended for all who desire a better knowl­ edge of the Word of God and in particular to those engaged in any type o f teaching ministry in the church.” Clear, concise, contemporary—written by 65 interna­ tionally known evangelical Biblical scholars—a “ must’ for your personal or church library: 3-volume set cov­ ering the entire Bible, $19.95. A t your bookseller A. J. HOLMAN CO. • 1224 A rch St., Philadelphia 7, Pa.

Pictured above are those who attend­ ed the planning session: (back row) Charles Smith, Robert Pietsch, Emmett Moorefield, Ernest Pierson, Claude Park- hill and Atlee Bahler; (front row) Don Morgan, Arthur Ramey, Samuel H. Suther­ land, James Henry, Herbert Fox and Rus­ sell Gabler. Mr. Dennis Clark, staff member of Evangelical Literature Overseas, is on a six-month tour of Asia, the Near East and Europe, conducting work­ shops in 17 different countries. Dr. Ralph Earle, president, and Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, vice president, have been selected as officers following the 13th annual meeting of the Evangeli­ cal Theological Society meeting re­ cently in St. Louis. The group con­ sists of more than 600 interested in evangelical theological research and teaching. Dr. Kenneth S. Wuest, 68, noted au­ thor and former faculty member of Moody Bible Institute, died recently in Oak Park, Illinois. Author of more than 20 books, he served for 29 years as teacher of Bible and Greek at MBI. Dr. Paul P. Petticord, convention pro­ gram chairman for the 20th annual conclave of the National Association of Evangelicals, has announced that special speakers will include D r Billy Graham, Dr. Bob Pierce, and Dr. Clyde Taylor. Dates are April 10-12 at the Denver-Hilton Hotel. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. has revealed that Bob Jones University has received a


P r e s e n tin g a fo u r-fo ld c o n c e p t o f th e m in is tr y o f th e G o s p e l . fo u n d ed o n a th o r o u g h tra in in g in E n glish B ib le . B ib lica l la n g u a g e s . S y s te m a tic T h e ­ o lo g y . a n d P r a c tic a l T h e o lo g y .

p a s t o r a t e : Provides H m student with the content et M i moo- loge, the menntr of delivery of his sermons, successful miHiids of pastoral work, opportunities for practical experience, and on active piecement service after graduation.

J L ! I C f l A I J Ç * Gives a basic introduction to f P l I boms and foreign missions and prorktos constant cHaHcngt?, throug h »amaro*» missionary chapeis and faculty amphasis, to cany the Gospaf to the utter­ most parts of the world.

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é"L • Lays a firm foundation for thoo


I ew V * logical graduata study for s ta dents desiring education os their life worfc, and equipe its graduates to be successful Bible teachers in the local church and upon the mission field.

e v a n g e l i s m : winner, challenges him to this tuck, requisite to winning souls for Christ, and nee in the local church nod in

must bn e soul him with the tools initructs him ht their

For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to DEAN, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13800 BIOL A AVE., LA MIRADA, CALIF.



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