Forward By Faith
Biola Campus Expansion Program
W h i l e i t is s t i l l dark and the milk trucks are just making downtown Los Angeles, 250 young people are boarding buses for a 25- mile ride to start a new day of train ing for the Lord’s service. This practice is followed five days a week, fifty miles a day, for young people who cannot be housed on the new Biola Campus in La Mirada. This is due to limited dormitory facilities. The average routine calls for rising
their deliveries to restaurants in
Crowded classrooms make it diffi cult to expand the training facilities. As a part of the current Campus Ex pansion Campaign, one of the urgent ly needed buildings will be a class room structure. out, “ since we are already completely crowded out.” During April a Cam pus drive will be made with a goal set at $600,000 which will be used to build one men’s and one women’s dormitories, plus one urgently-needed classroom building. “ This will mean that we will be able to house another 220 students on the Campus, and train perhaps that many more with
"Bible Foundation Course" .................... 3.00 "Biblical Geography" ------------ %— -.......... 3.50 "Child Evangelism" ----- ------------- ------— — 5.50 "Chapter Summary" ............... .............. 5.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" ........... 6.50 "Junior Bible W ork" ............................ 1-25 "Non-Christian Religions" ------ --------------- 4.00 "Practical Bible Training" ...................... 2.50 "Studies For New Christians" ....----- .......... 1.00 "Studies In The Gospels" ..................... 6.50 "The Book of Acts" .............................. 3.50 Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate Course .... 17.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ............... 17.00 Vacation Bible School (Unit II) Methods, Planning and Promotion of Vacation Bible Schools ................ 3.50 Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. "Christ in the Tabernacle" --------------- ... 6.50 "God's Plan of the Ages" ---------------- ----- 5.00 "Prophecies of DanieP' — ........— ..—.—.— 6.50 "Studies in Romans" .......... 5.50 "The Book of Ephesians" ......... ........... 5.50 "The Book of Revelation" ..................... 6.50 "The Cults" 6 Units ($2.00 per unit) .... 6.50 Course by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D. "Prophetic Events in the Light of the Minor Prophets" (5 Units, $1.00 per unit) ---- ---------------------------------— 16.50 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. I CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL | ! 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. I 1 Enroll me in Course ........... — 1 1 Find fee enclosed $------------ ........ 1 ‘ Send me free brochure of I all courses offered ......... .....— I Name ‘ Address ... .................. ....... ........ 1 1 City .................................. ......... 1 I State ..................—............ . KB-3 I
M ore than 250 students must ride, special buses more than 50 miles a day in order to receive their training at Biola. Two new dormitories will make it possible for nearly this num ber to be housed on the Campus. somewhere after 5:00 a.m. for studies and devotions, boarding the special buses at 6:10, and then heading for La Mirada. When the students arrive on Campus, there is just time for breakfast before-first classes begin at 7:30 a.m. Those mothers who tire of making daily lunches for two or three chil dren will appreciate what it means for the school’s dining room to have ready several hundred “ sack” lunches for students who, following a morning of training, must board the buses once again for a trip back to downtown Los Angeles and work for the after noon in some of the large stores and offices. (They eat their lunches on the way while discussing their morning’s activities.) Next month Biola begins one of the most significant steps of faith of its entire 54-year history of training Christ-dedicated young people. With a record enrollment expected in Sep tember, “ The problem will be even more acute,” Dr. Sutherland points
“Over 'there is where these bricks will be used,” is the realization the students look forward to. Several thousand bricks were given to Biola to help in the urgent building pro gram. increased classroom facilties.” Biola has a unique background as far as finances are concerned. Its con secrated board of directors has de creed that it will not incur debt in order to build. “When the funds are
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