King's Business - 1962-03

The Belgian Gospel Mission 7, Rue Du Moniteur Brussels, Belgium

Local Representative JOHN S. KIMBER

1907 N. Cypress St. La Habra, California

OWen 7-3748

JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are in undenomi­ national work, you ore invited to become a member of this fast growing organization. Credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AM ERIC A N EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 N. Clark St. Chicago 1, III. -m s m m Member Mission I.F.M.A. Conducting LEPER C L IN IC

PRINCIPLES: T T se of automobiles by teen-agers involves: 1. Ability to go anywhere one pleases, even to places of danger and evil. 2. Having a place (in the automobile itself) of priva­ cy and escape from the eyes of others. 3. Obligations to society, spelled out in the traffic laws and based on both rfatural and divine law, forbidding endangering life, one’s own and oth­ ers, and destroying property. Realistic parents will recognize then that the use of automobiles can be a source of moral and physical dan­ ger to teen-agers. Therefore they have the right and duty to control, regulate, and supervise the use of automobiles on the part of teen-age sons and daughters. Such control and supervision can be properly exercised only through specific directives to which all parents will adhere. WE AGREE: Teen-agers’ use of automobiles is a Privilege, not a “ right.” Privileges are lost for fast and reckless driving; driving while drinking; overloading the car; not using it for the purpose for which it was requested; and staying out after the time agreed upon unless a telephone call is made. Parents have a duty to take away use of the car if the privilege is abused. With privileges go responsibili­ ties, including help in keeping the car clean and taking over some of the family errands. A fam ily plan for the use of the car must be worked out. Parents with their teen-agers must work out such a plan, considering:

Doctor and Nurses needed Write for free literature

107-K North Hale St.

Wheaton, II

THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas


LS.OrganCo. Box 2091 Salem,Oregon

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine. 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. F r e e In fo rm a tio n How you can study the Bible BIO LA EVEN ING SCHOOL Dr. Chase A. Sawtell, Director 13800 Biola Ave.( La Mirada, California FREE printed messages to help win your Jewish friends For information, write to: Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Director 'T H E M E SS IAN IC HOUR " Post Office Box 1102, Whittier, Calif. GLENDALE READERS will find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 Wost Wilson, Glandola, California

1. The number of drivers in each family. 2. The importance of the occasion. 3. The reasonableness of the request. 4. The time of day. 5. The length of time the car is to be used. Some teen-agers should not own a car.

Parents in a position to buy a second car for the near-exclusive use of the teen-ager should keep title to the car and full responsibility for its use. When ownership of a second car makes it necessary for the teen-ager to work to maintain it, thus endanger­ ing his success in school, the family should do without it. Parents’ authority must be backed up by example. Parents should know and obey all laws governing use of cars. Their example has a stronger influence than their words. From Code for Parents of Teenagers, Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.

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