King's Business - 1962-03

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ZO N D ER V AN PUBLISH ING HOUSE G RAND RAPIDS 6, M ICH IG A N Meaningful for today's children of all ages. " . . the most readable translation, espe­ cially for young people . . . " Dr. Grady Wilson. . . language as simple as that Jesus used . . . ” — Eugenia Price. Illustrated in dramatic full color. 604 pages, 5 " x 7 " .............. $3.95

T h e f a m i l y was roller skating. Dorotheann fell and hurt her ankle. In the midst of the confusion of looking after her, Mother stood surveying the scene in a detached manner. Suddenly she spoke. “ ‘Dorotheann, think of some de­ scriptive and fairly new words to ex­ plain what has just happened to you.’ Not a word of comfort. No expression of sympathy. Could this cold-hearted, impersonal woman be my mother? Then I woke up.” “W ow !” Mother exclaimed as she wiped imaginary beads of sweat from her brow. “I’m certainly glad that was just a dream, Paul. You’re sure it was not a nightmare?” “Whatever it was, I am glad I woke up to find that Dorotheann is still in ‘one piece’ and you are our same warm, excitable mother when one of the kids gets hurt.” “When I think of my dream I have to laugh. It is true you are forever trying to get us to learn new words and enlarge our vocabularies. But when we get sick or hurt, you never stand around just looking at us. Why did I dream of you as the opposite of what you really are?” “ I don’t know. But I’m surely not as excitable as you think I am. I’m only anxious about you kids because I love you and am interested in every facet of your lives.” “Ha! Bill and David call you a mother hen. But I guess we want you like that,— except when your ‘heart tells’ you not to let us do something we want to do,” Paul mused aloud. Then I wish you didn’t have a heart.” With that crack, the 14-year- I old disappeared. Bowing her heart before the Lord, Mother prayed, “ Father dear, let my heart be always in tune with Thy will both for myself and the children. You know the nagging fears which beset me regarding the various needs and weaknesses of each child. Just make and keep my heart warm and sensitive to the needs for love' and guidance of my flesh-and-blood jewels. r

THE LIGHT B U R H S IH SP A IH Religious Freedom-Spanish Style What does a Protestant missionary do in Spain when every time he preaches or witnesses he breaks the law?

He keeps on preaching-for Spanish souls are precious in God’s sight. Spanish Christians are daily paying the price for their loyalty to Christ. Support for national missionaries is desperately needed. $60 a month will support .one missionary. Please pray and give that Spain’s millions may hear the truth. Write for free subscription to SPAINGRAMS, fascinating reports of recent work in Spain, Mexico, North Africa, and for speaking dates. Write Dept. K DR. Z .P . CARLES, DIRECTOR

SPANISHCHRISTIANMISSION, INC. Founded 1943 I I WESTERN OFFICE j EASTERNOFFICE } P-0. Box 445 t p.o. Box 801 Riverside, Calif. » Creston Station { GrandRapids, Mich. , ________ I I CANADIAN OFFICE 21 Avenue Road Suite No. 22 Toronto 5, Can.

(See advertisement inside front cover)


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MARCH, 1962


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