The Superstate and Its Issues
by Dr. Herman A . Hoyt, Dean, Grace Theological Seminary
The swiftly moving events of the present hour are converging on the time of the end. The lateness of the hour is apparent, but no one knows how late. Viewed in the light of prophecy, it would appear that the time for the ushering out of this present order and the ushering in of a new order is at the very doors. It is therefore high time for the voices who speak for God to cry aloud and spare not. And it is time for the church to hear the voice of the prophetic word, “ For the time is at hand” (Rev. 1 :3 ; 22:10). The political and religious scene is moving swiftly into the pattern of events set forth in the prophetic word. For most students of prophecy these aspects of eschatological events of the end time are more obvious. But the ramifications are little realized. In some small way students of prophecy recognize the necessity for widespread preparation for the appearance of the superchurch and the superstate, but they little realize the nature of that preparation. I. THE PLANS IN THE M A K IN G Less than a decade and a half ago, the United Nations came into exis tence. It took on proportions that were never a part of the League of Na tions and commended itself to the government of the United States of Am erica. On its face its purpose was to promote good international relations to the end of maintaining peace among the nations of the world. This is one aspect of this giant organization of nations that has been constantly before the public. And it is this one thing that gradually has been win ning approval from the rank and file of the citizens of this land and for that matter of the world. A n y thinking individual must conclude that this great organization is far more complex than it appears on the surface. It must be recognized that the divisions and departments of this organization are multiple, all of them working under a common purpose and toward a common end to accomplish the gigantic task of promoting peace. The superplan must inevitably provide for peace not only for the present but also for the future. And this plan must of necessity envision an organization that en larges and solidifies and finally becomes absolute and universal. To accomplish this feat, there must of necessity be a preparation of the minds of the peoples of all sovereign states. They must be prepared to surrender their sovereignty for the common good of the whole. This requires education. Therefore, from the very 'outset of the United Na tions there has been a division of it known as UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. It has been the pur pose of this division to conceive, produce, provide,~ and promote a master plan for the education and preparation of the peoples of the world for world government. To the average person the plan up to this point is quite acceptable. It is the application of the plan that brings the problems ....... II. THE PLOT AGA INST FREEDOM OF EDUCAT ION A t first glance, the plans of UNESCO would never be regarded as a plot against the freedom of education in this land. In a series of nine vol umes prepared by this organization, the procedure is outlined under the very acceptable title, “ Toward World Understanding.” The titles on these various books are very disarming: (1 ) Some Suggestions on Teach ing about the U. N . and its Specialized Agencies; (2 ) The Education and Training of Teachers; (3 ) A Selected Bibliography; (4) The U. N. and World Citizenship; (5 ) In the Classroom with Children Under 13 Years of Age; (6 ) The Influence of Home and Community on Children Under THE KING 'S BUSINESS
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