13 Years of Age; (7 ) Some Suggestions on the Teaching of Geography; (8) A Teachers’ Guide to the Declaration of Human Rights; (9 ) Some Suggestions on Teaching World History. From the C o n g r e s s i o n a l R e c o r d this statement describes the pro cedure adopted by these booklets. “ They begin by advancing the totally unAmerican doctrine that the prime function of public education in the United States must be that of capturing the minds of our children, at the earliest possible age for the cause of political world government.” Kvery teacher, every subject, and every moment of school hours are to be care fully directed to accomplish this purpose. There is to be ah elimination of everything that would in any way produce loyalty to the nation on the one hand, and a supplementing with everything that will in any way produce world-mindedness on the other. The procedures are augmented by a number of things in order to in sure success. Not only are methods employed to discourage patriotism, but these include definite efforts to destroy parental control, corrupt the morals of the children, suppress the truth, and poison the minds of these teachers. III. THE PROMOTION OF THE SCHEME UNESCO has been able to carry its plans so far that they are being implemented by legislation in the Congress of the United States. A bill known as “Convention Against Discrimination in Education” may shortly come before the United States Senate in the form of a treaty. Ratification of this treaty would deliver the entire American educational system into th UNESCO-international control. National, state, and local control of education would disappear immediately. It is shocking to think that such a thing could happen. But on the other hand, the movement in the thinking of the citizens of this country, including those who sit in high places in the government, has shifted, and how far, it is impossible to estimate. Under the guise of good, our own Congressman could be swept into a vote for something that in its out working could produce nothing but a loss of freedom, and a loss of freedom at a point where eventually we could lose all our freedoms. The preciousness of our freedom, especially in education, needs again to be stressed. The precariousness of the situation only emphasizes the value of our freedom. If the freedom of education is lost, the foundation is then laid for the loss of every other freedom that we count a part of the American way of life. IV . THE PERTINENCY TO THE CHURCH To the church there is a freedom that rises even above that of educa tion, and that is the freedom of religion. But freedom of religion and freedom of education are vitally associated. They cannot be separated. If freedom of education is lost, this will penetrate farther than the public school. It will include every private and parochial school as well. This will mean a definite change in the curriculum of the private and parochial school. Such change will strike at the very heart of true religion, which is truth. Truth as it is set forth in the Bible is the very foundation for conserva tive Christianity. Liberalism, the refection of the Bible, now sweeping through Christendom, will thus be aided, bringing on not only limitation of operation for believers, but also persecution for those who refuse to conform to the limitations. This can result in widespread destruction of the forces of true Christianity. It is therefore evident that the church has the largest stake of all in the proposed legislation. Not only will civil and educational liberties be lost, but even more important than those, religious liberty will be lost, for they all go together. Though the loss of all these appear in the pro phetic picture of the endtime, it is the business of the believer to do all he can to prevent the loss of them. This can well mean that every energy should be bent in the direction of bringing pressure to bear upon our Con gressmen. But it certainly means that this is a time for prayer and new dedication to the task committed to us. Now is the time to act.
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MARCH, 1962
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