King's Business - 1962-03

This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc WHY CONDEMN DIVORCE? In the comment (January, 1962) concerning divorce, there is a Biblical answer. Under the law divorce can be seen: Deut. 24:1-4; Matt. 5: 31, 32; 19:3-9. Under the church age, in which we live, divorce is strictly forbid­ den: Romans 7:2-3; I Cor. 7: 10-11, 39. If the church does not take a more definite stand on di­ vorce, our home life will soon be a thing of the past. Today our churches are pat­ terning their standards too much after the movie world, instead of the Bible. Whenever a preacher per­ forms the marriage ceremony for a divorced person, he breaks that part of the mar­ riage ceremony which says "the union in which you are now entering is dissolved by death only." What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Rev. Harry A. McGimsey, Hemet, California. Divorce has become the scourge of our nation. Truly there are misunderstandings, but, as Christians, what ought we do— run to an attor­ ney ; run away from each oth­ er? We ought to run to the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ who can iron out each wrinkle in our lives. Anegla Santucci, Castro Valley, California.

I was a little upset over the letter concerning di­ vorce. We condemn divorce be­ cause the Bible does. Divorce happened to some members of my family, and because of it their children have never lived it down. When we break one of God's commands we must always pay. }irs. Fred M. Stranz, Cen- tralia, Washington. The questioner started by asking why the church con­ demns divorce, when actually it is the Bible. One minister I have talked with has said, "I always have and always will marry divorced people when asked to." The Bible, however, forbids this ac­ tion. Divorce no more cures un­ happy marriages than death cures leprosy. Marital dis­ cord is due to a lack of love. I do not mean sexual attrac­ tion or any other physical emotion. The love of Christ will clear away hatred, fear, deceit, cruelty and indif­ ference. According to Matthew 19:9 (and other Scriptures), a di­ vorced woman has no right to marry, and the one who di­ vorces his (or her) mate is hardly to be commended. John the Baptist was a Jew and it was quite common and legal for a Jew to marry his deceased brother's wife. Al­ so it reads, "Phillip's wife" not "Phillip's widow." Herod had taken to wife a woman whose husband was still liv­ ing. John the Baptist was im­ prisoned and beheaded be­ cause he voiced his disap­ proval. He did not trim down his sermons to please men, even kings. Mrs. Gladys Hamersley, Comox, B.C., Canada.

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