King's Business - 1959-11

(Advertisement) _ “UNWANTED”

Yes, there are "unwanted" chil­ dren! Not because of lack of par­ ental love . . . not because of social or government indifference . . . "U N W A N T E D ” BELIEVE IT OR NO T , BECAUSE OF LACK OF FOOD I in the United States we have $9 billion worth of surplus which cost the Govern­ ment $1 billion a year just for storage. The American Mission to Greeks, Inc., is registered with the International Co­ operation Administration of the U. S. Government and is used for the distribu­ tion of U. S. surplus food. Do you know how much your $1 can do? It can dis­ tribute 148 pounds of food! AMG cares for 7,000 needy children. Won't you care for just one by taking on its regular support at only $15 a month? A beauti­ ful folder with the picture of your child is waiting to be sent to you. It contains 12 envelopes, one for each month for your convenience. There will be personal correspondence with the child. Or you can provide a gift of food for hungry little ones by sending your contribution. Write to: Rev. Spiros Zodhiafes, Dept. American Mission to Greeks: P. O. B O X 4 2 3 , N E W Y O R K 3 6 , N. Y. I I □ I wish to "adopt" a child for one year, at a cost of $15 a month ($180 a year.) Please send me some U. S. surplus food by giving $...................... □ Please send me literature about your work. i ■ • NAME .............................................................................. i ■ \ ADDRESS ........................................................................... « C I T Y .............................ZONE.........STATE..................... \ Gifts of any amount are welcome. They are fully I ■ tax deductible. ■ • | ■ the picture folder. □ Enclosed is payment for the full year. J □ Enclosed is payment for the first month. • □ I cannot adopt a child, but I want to provide i i

(COMET IME between the hours of dark- ^ ness and dawn, a shawled figure steals along the street leading to the Home for Unwanted Children. Silently she opens a little door in the wall, gently deposits her burden in a basket she finds waiting there, hesitates a moment, and is gone. No one can fathom the grief and tragedy of that deed. No one knows! No one has seen. The weight of the baby sets off a bell inside the Home to tell the matron that another nameless little one has been abandoned. But what choice was there? None at all . . . only a forlorn hope that someone, somewhere, might care for this helpless victim of hunger. In God's plan, that someone could be you! For here is the "unwanted" child in Greece for you to say, "I love you. I have food for you, and clothing, which I give to you in the name of Jesus, who said, 'Suffer little children to come unto me.' " Will you undertake the support of one of these little ones? All they had to eat when our worker visited them was boiled potatoes without any butter or oil. And

Listen to our radio broadcast, NEW TESTAMENT LIGHTS, KGO (810 kc) Sunday, 4:30 p.m. in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay area. 6


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