King's Business - 1959-11

Pope Gregory I, called the Great, ordered the people to form in seven processions and march till they met at one place, reciting litanies and carrying images of the Virgin Mary with each procession. And the people responded enthusiastically, feeling it was all a part of a great wor­ ship service. More than a century later, Pope Gregory II defended the Roman doctrine of image worship, and even threatened Emperor Leo III that unless he withdrew his order to have all images destroyed, the people would cast off all allegiance. This is a matter of history, but it all has in it prophetic significance which promises fulfill­ ment on a large scale in the not-too-distant future. The Roman Catholic Church has not changed. She cannot change. The fear and superstition of Roman Catholics and the persecution of Protestants in Latin American coun­ tries, testify already to a partial fulfillment of the prophetic Scriptures. In this writer’s opinion, the Pope’s appeal f6r unity is part of R o m e ’ s p l a n f o r w o r l d domination. THE PROPHET ST. PAUL Some important prophecies in the New Testament bear heavily upon the subject of the ecumenical church of the last days. There are unfulfilled prophecies contained in both the Old and New Testaments and, the great Apostle Paul was God’s New Testament prophetic voice. To ignore his prophecies would be disastrous. The fundamental prophecy bearing on our subject to come from Paul, by divine inspiration, is given by him in his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2:1-12. We shall not attempt a detailed study of these verses, but we will see in them, I feel certain, the kind of a world-wide religious set-up to mark the end of the age. One of the signs to precede the return of Christ is “ the (Continued on Next Page) S C O F IE L D R E F E R E N C E B IB L E in India Paper and with a Complete Concordance BIOLA ’ s Own Concordance —Regular Oxford Bible concordance. India Paper—Printed on high­ La M irada Edition TODAY'S BEST BUY in a

There was the magnificent image of gold, great in size and splendor that appealed to the eye of man. The service was seductive, for by the use of all kinds of musical instruments there was an appeal to man’s senses. It was ecumenical in nature, even to the extent of every­ one worshipping at a set time and place. It was orderly, every detail being regulated by royal decree. More and more do we see these characteristics becoming a part of the religion of our times. There is an ever- increasing tendency toward ritualism, regimentation, pomp and ceremony. The demand for a one world religion is growing, at least in the minds of some Roman Catholics and Protestant leaders. I am reminded of the words of our Lord to the woman of Samaria, Ye worship ye know not what . . . God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:22,24). But the heart of the unregenerate man is ever the same. Most people feel that the importance of worship lies in the symbolism, imagery, and ceremony. The more numerous and attractive these things are, the more they appeal to the crowds. Image worship was not known among Christians for the first three centuries. There was a scriptural purity about those early followers of Christ. They did not need large expensive cathedrals with artistic stained-glass windows, sculpture, paintings, and other adornments of art in order to awaken them to some sort of a feeling for worship. These things appeal only to the soulish part of man, whereas our Lord said that they who worship God must worship Him in their spirit for “ that which is bom of the (Holy) Spirit is the (human) spirit” (John 3:6). The ecumenical church of Nebuchadnezzar’s day is being revived. History is the forerunner of prophecy.

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17 For God sent not his Son into the «world to ^condemn the world; but that the world through him might be «saved. . . 18 ¿He that believeth on him is

a /cosmos (Mt.4.8) = mankind. b Or, judge,

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