King's Business - 1959-11

MESSAGE from the editor


In large measure "the tu­ mult and the shouting" have died away, since the visit of the head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Mr. Nikita S. Khrushchev has concluded. One could not but be deeply depressed by the sheer folly of the "peace talks" that went on. Pos­ sibly some of the backward peoples on both sides of the Iron Curtain, as well as those behind the Bamboo Cur­ tain, were impressed by the speeches. Few doubted the sincerity of our honorable president as he pleaded for world-wide peace and under­ standing. But surely many did not believe for a moment that anything more than lip service was being paid the peace ideal by the Red pre­

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mier. The futility of all is clearly revealed by the fact that Mr. Eisenhower and all free peoples are aware that the moment the Russian officials are sure they can gain world-wide domination, they will plunge the world into the most heinous and devastating war that mankind has ever experienced. Nothing would please them more than for us to lay down our arms and put ourselves at their mercy. Russia has not the slightest conception of true peace nor any real interest in maintaining it at the expense of the aims of the communistic state. We speak of peace between nations. Let us think of peace in a personal sense. The word itself is most inter­ esting, meaning, according to Webster, "a state of tran­ quillity or quiet . . . harmony in personal relations . . . mutual concord . . . freedom from fears, agitating pas­ sions, moral conflict, etc." A blissful state indeed! Two meanings of peace are found in God's holy Word, one is peace with God ; the other the peace of God. Peace with God comes through personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It is the satisfactory judicial re­ lationship with God established at conversion on the basis of the substitionary, atoning death of Christ. But the peace of God is an entirely different type, having to do with fellowship. It is possible for one to be at peace with God so far as salvation is concerned and yet not be enjoying the peace of God. Peace with God is an act that is consummated once and for all in behalf of those who are born again. But the peace of God is that which needs to be kept alive through daily contact and vital fellowship with Jesus Christ in simple faith, as one trusts in Him, and yields, moment by moment, to His loving will. This is the peace the world cannot give — and cannot take away. As the Lord Jesus Christ gave His final messages to His disciples on the eve of His crucifixion, He left this legacy: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you;

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