King's Business - 1959-11

of the last issue of the KING’S BUSI­ NESS. I received through it an increased awareness of God’s presence and compas­ sion. The article by Don Hillis brought real blessing; also, I used parts of it to illustrate a message to young people in our mission church on Saturday night. I think one reason there is not so much delinquency here is because the young people study until midnight and then get up after four or five hours of sleep to study again. Pray for them and us in the labor of our Lord Jesus Christ. David W. Ludlum, Isabelle Orphanage, Korea Gospel Mission, Pusan, Korea. READS EACH ISSUE I have been a subscriber to the KING’S BUSINESS since 1915 when a three month trial subscription was sent following my receiving the CHRISTIAN FUNDA­ MENTALS. I have them all and prize them most highly. We especially like the “ new layout” of the KING’S BUSINESS. Rev. O. M. Kraybill, York, Pennsylvania. It is a great spiritual blessing and com­ fort to me to turn to the Prayer Time Group of the KING’S BUSINESS maga­ zine. Several times I have sent in re­ quests and have always had some help. I feel deeply grateful to the Lord. Miss Izella Howell, Maxwell, Calif. I have been wanting to write you to say thanks for the KING’S BUSINESS. I am enjoying the magazine so very much. It seems to be getting better monthly. Each copy has so many helpful articles in it that one wants to sit down and read them all at once. Thank you again. Miss Bertha Chace, Riverside, Calif. I hope never to be without the beloved KING’S BUSINESS. So pleased too, with the improvement in the past few months. I have been reading it most of the time since 1924. When I could not afford to take it, a friend would pass hers on to me. Mrs. Harry J. Baxter, Santa Ana, Calif. FROM PRISON PSYCHIATRIST I enjoyed reading “A Teenage Triumph” and especially Karen’s goal and aim in life to accomplish what “the Lord has for me to do” , especially in attaining and realizing standards and achievements as high as possible.

R eader Reaction REQUEST FROM PRISON Would it be possible to contribute a few copies of your magazine each, month to the men of FOLSOM? Our supply of Christian literature is not sufficient for the varied needs of the men. Your help would be appreciated. Rev. John W. Dunlop, Protestant Chaplain, De­ partment of Correction, California State Prison, Folsom, California. E ditor ’ s N ote : Gifts to The King’s Busi­ ness, by readers in various areas of the world, have made possible the sending of free subscriptions to Chaplain Dunlop in this needy area of Gospel proclamation. On behalf of these men and others like them, our sincere appreciation for your remembrance of the printed page ministry with your investments. CANNOT SUBSCRIBE I am so sorry that I can’t continue with your wonderful magazine, the KING’S BUSINESS. Truly, I have enjoyed reading it each month. It has been so helpful in forgetting some of my sorrows. I am re­ joicing today in knowing that I serve a risen Saviour who means everything to me. I shall read these past issues over and over again. I wish I could order another year, but you see my husband is in the state penitentiary. Though this is hard to understand, yet I thank the Lord that since being there he has accepted Christ as his personal Saviour. Please pray for him each day. I am all alone K| except for the Lord — with my twelve year old son. I don’t have much in this world but I have Jesus in my heart. E ditor ’ s N ote : Naturally, we have left out the name and address of the writer of this letter. W e have felt led to use some of the money from our “free” fund to send this woman the next year’s sub­ scription of the KING’S BUSINESS. On her behalf, our thanks to those of you who have invested in the ministry of the KING’S BUSINESS and have made this gift possible. MISSIONARY BLESSING This has been one of the hottest days of the year and in between my labor I rested for several hours. Seeking the spiritual rest as well, I gave myself to the reading

David G. Schmidt, M.D., Chief Psychiatrist, De­ partment of Corrections, California State Prison, San Quentin, California.

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