King's Business - 1959-11


•4 JUST BROUGHT IN "Little Kim" is one of ten beg­ ging orphan boys recently taken off the streets and placed in one of our Christian Orphanages. He is nearly starved to death. Other boys sit but Little Kim is too weak.

Ye Must Be Born Again Words by W. T. Sleeper Music by George C. Stebbins

The composer was assisting Dr. Pentecost (about 1880) in an evange­ listic campaign in Worcester, Massa­ chusetts. While the evangelist was preaching one night on the story of Nicodemus, using for a text “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7), Stebbins was inspired with the idea that the text would make the basis of a good song. He asked one of the local pas­ tors, Rev. Sleeper, to write the poem, and he himself provided the musical setting. This was the beginning of a long friendship between Sleeper and Stebbins. Several years later the same pair produced the hymn beginning “ Out of my bondage, sorrow and night, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come. Fleming H. Revell (founder of the publishing firm of the same name) was launching a new religious pub­ lication in Chicago, to be called “Words Of Life.” He asked Bliss to compose an appropriate song for the introductory issue, ,j— “Wonderful Words Of Life” was the result. How­ ever, the song was soon forgotten, — even the composer thought it of no merit. Many years later, under the impetus of George C. Stebbins’ fre­ quent use, it began to gain rightful recognition. (Stebbins was also re­ sponsible for popularizing “ Though Yours Sins Be As Scarlet” after it had become dormant following its orig­ inal publication many years before.) How Can I Be Lonely Words and music by Haldor Lillenas “The song was written in Pitts­ burgh,” relates the author. “ I had been away from home for some time, and had come to Pittsburgh to con­ duct the music in a convention. I found my way into a small basement room and found a little Bilhom organ. I sat down and began to play. From somewhere came the words and music . . . ‘How can I be lonely, When I’ve Jesus only . . . ’ ” EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Lillenas passed away in August of this year. Wonderful Words of Life Words and Music by Philip Bliss

DOES ANYONE CARE ► "Little Kim" cannot remember when he ate a meal,

The pain of hungar is always there. He wonders where he will get cloth­ ing when winter comes. Perhaps he will be dead!

HE SITS UP^ After he eats good food and drinks milk, he sits up ond tries to play with another boy. Someone has shown Christian Love to him for the first time. Perhaps there IS hope. told about Christ and of God.


The Love of Christ HAS reached his heart. The hunger pains are gone. An entirely new life has come to him. He has been This boy W ILL live and for the glory

His Salvation.

ESEA supports over 2000 Korean orphans, war widows and lepers' children in 30 Homes. Every one is a true Christian institution. (True Bible believers) W ill you help us save the lives of many others like "Little Kim" from starving and freezing to death this winter? YOU can sponsor a child for only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day. You or your Sunday School, Bible Class, Junior Church, Ladies Group, etc., will help bring Christ to a child and train him to be a Christian leader in Korea tomorrow. Write or phone NOW!

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive — Chicago 31, Illinois

- CLIP AND MAIL COUPON TODAY- I |~~] YES, I want to "adopt" a Q boy Q girl for one year. With God's help I will send $8 a month. Please send me my child's name, picture, address ond story. I understand I may continue after one year if I wish to. | I cannot "adopt" a child but want to help by giving $.................................................................... |~] Please send me further information. » Address ............................................................. ■ City..............................-.................................................. Zone.................... State.................................................................... Gifts of any amount are welcome. Sponsorings are income tax deductible. TH E E V E R E T T SW AN SON E V A N G E L IS T IC A S S O C IA T IO N , IN C . A Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-11 4848 North Leonard Drive Chicago 31, Illinois Telephone GLadstone 6-6181 I Name ....................................................................................................




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