Cincinnati Family—July 2024

P regnancy is a transformative journey for both the parent and the baby. It’s a time of unparalleled joy and expectations, but it also comes with its set of challenges, particularly for the skin. Skincare during pregnancy is not just about beauty; it’s about ensuring the well-being of both the parent and the growing life inside. Allow these dos and don’ts to serve as a compass, to help guide you through safe skincare practices during this critical phase of life. Understanding Pregnancy-Related Skin Changes Pregnancy triggers a cascade of hormonal fluctuations and increased blood flow, leading to various skin changes. These changes are natural and a testament to the miraculous process happening within. It’s crucial to embrace and care for your changing skin, understanding that the priority is a healthy pregnancy, not flawless skin. According to Healthline, these are the most common skin changes people who can become pregnant may begin to notice throughout their term. Melasma. A form of hyperpigmentation from excessive production of melanin that will appear on the face, arms, shoulders, or legs. It appears as brown/ tan patches and will usually fade over time during postpartum. Linea nigra. A regionalized form of hyperpigmentation like melasma, but rather than patches or spots, it looks like a dark line across the stomach from the sternum to the pubic area. Stretch marks. Scarred skin tissue, due to rapid growth, will typically have a lighter hue than your natural skin tone. Smaller marks are known to fade after delivery; however, large scars may persist. Acne. Pregnant people may experienc acne both during and after pregnancy. People with existing hormonal or cystic acne may experience worsened conditions and are highly recommended to consult their doctor before continuing to use their regular products.

Pregnancy Glow The Dos and Don’ts of Skincare During Pregnancy

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16 July 2024 |

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