Nola Family July 2024

mom about town



WHAT DOES A NORMAL DAY LOOK LIKE FOR YOU? KATHARINE: We’re only four weeks in, so I wouldn’t say we have quite a schedule yet, but that’s what we’re working on over the next couple weeks. We’re trying to get into some resemblance of what a routine looks like, and it remains very flexible because we’re feeding every two to three hours. We wake up, I’ll feed him, and then try to pump first thing in the morning. We’re trying to work on supply and getting that supply for when I go back to work, which, for the working mom, is a lot. That is a little daunting, but we’re getting there. We do our best to get dressed, do our skincare routine, put on our sunscreen, and brush our teeth in the morning. Usually, we’ll have appointments, get lunch with a friend, or go out for a walk— something to get out of the house. I think from a physician perspective and now as a mom, it’s important to keep some resemblance of what brings you joy because the whole postpartum period has been a fun journey, but also a very interesting and hard journey. Mental health-wise, I need to get out of the house every day at least once. I’d like to interact with another human being besides this human. Any time for yourself, I feel like that’s a big plug: finding at least an hour a day for Husband: Jed Antoun Child: Parker, 4 weeks Occupation: Dermatologist at Sanova Dermatology Hobbies: Hanging out with her dogs, reading, family walks, trying new restaurants, Mahjong, and traveling Born and raised in New Orleans, Dr. Katharine Saussy embodies the heart and soul of the Crescent City. Though she ventured out for college, medical school, and residency, something always pulled her back to her hometown. Now a dedicated dermatologist, Katharine and her husband Jed have settled in New Orleans to start their family, recently welcoming their four-week-old son, Parker. Katharine is passionate about her work, her patients, and the unique challenges of the community she serves. Despite her love for travel, she can’t imagine living anywhere else, a feeling many New Orleanians know all too well.

KATHARINE: I always knew I wanted to do something in healthcare, or I really wanted to be in the CIA. I’m serious! I went to college, and I was going to be some sort of political science major. Then, I actually had a pretty heartbreaking encounter when I was in the park one day and there was a medical emergency there. But I was like, you know what? Under pressure, in chaos, and in a storm, I actually feel very calm— which would still be good in the CIA—but I decided to go into healthcare instead. I’ve found that I’m an introverted personality in how I reboot, but I am an extroverted personality in my [ability] to communicate with people and feel calm in social and chaotic situations. I knew that in healthcare, as a dermatologist, you’re always interacting with people, and you’re forming relationships that can last literally a lifetime. I hope that I’m still practicing when I’m in my 70s and 80s. I just love that [I’m] interacting with people during the day. WHAT ARE SOME JOYS & CHALLENGES OF BEING A MOM? KATHARINE: I’m breastfeeding, so, whether you’re formula feeding or breastfeeding, there’s probably similar challenges in the sense of making sure you’re providing enough. With formula, you know how many ounces they’re getting for the next number of hours. But when you’re breastfeeding, you don’t really know. One of the challenges for me is knowing that I’m giving him enough and that he’s growing and gaining enough weight. That’s been one of my biggest challenges so far outside Find your groove, and give yourself grace. You’ve got to give yourself the time to figure it out, room to fall and not succeed, and then rebuild. That’s a big thing in parenthood I learned very early on. “ ”

yourself when you’re not caring for this human. WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PERSUE YOUR CAREER?


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