Nola Family July 2024

How did you first become interested in Junior Derby? I’ve been watching my mom play derby since I was about four or five years old. I was hesitant to join the team at first, but once I got the hang of it and had our first scrimmage. I was hooked. What has been your favorite part? My favorite part is defi - nitely before and after games, being with my team, because everyone’s energy is just so high, and then, of course, playing the game with the same energy and like-minded people. How would you describe the team? Derby is a sport where kids who maybe don’t fit in with other groups or can’t find somewhere else that they can just be themselves, can come to, and that creates a strong bond. Everyone who doesn’t have another place, they have a place now. What is practice like? Practices can be tough, especially when it gets this hot out, and we’re working on endurance, but we really do give it our all, and it really does make us better. I don’t really see it as hard work. It’s just like I’m with my friends, we’re skating, and we’re putting in the work so we can be better. How do you prepare for a game? One of our pregame rituals is right before we get our gear checked and we do introduc- tions, we all huddle in a circle, and at the top of our lungs, we scream “You are My Sunshine.” How has being part of Junior Derby influenced other areas of your life? I was shy and sensitive, I didn’t talk to anyone. In the past two or three seasons, I feel like I’ve really come into myself and found who I am and realized that, yes, I’m physical- ly strong, but I can also be just as strong as a person and find friends and find my own identity.

ple and make friends. I grew up an only child, and I think I’ve missed out on a lot of the making friends skills, especially with COVID. Derby is an amazing place to really work on my people skills and learn how to make connections.

Luna B. Age: 14 Derby Name: Lunatic

How did you first become interested in Junior Derby? I’ve been skating since I was kid, and when I saw the sign-up sheets at the skating rink, I figured this would be really fun to do, so I convinced my mom to sign both of us (Lily) up. What has been your favorite part? I enjoy just hanging out with my peers and getting to play a sport with them. What is practice like? First, we do our warm-ups, and then we get into either learning about the sport itself or doing some mock jams, so we can remember how to play the game and learn new techniques for playing. How do you prepare for a game? Sometimes on the car ride there, you might listen to some music or just hang out before the game. We talk to each other, sing a little bit, you know, just get all the nerves out. How has being part of Junior Derby influenced other areas of your life? I finally found a place to expel my energy instead of on my poor parents, I wasn’t exactly the most well-behaved child, and to be in a place where you can hang out with a group of friends and exercise, workout, get away from life, it was all really nice, and it really helped me come out of my shell. Lily B. Age: 15 Derby Name: Pink-A-Vicious


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