United Forming - RFP Response

Client Experiences

Large Employer in Georgia - 700 + Employees

With this particular client, we strategically evaluated the benefits program over a 24-month period, performed a feasibility study to determine whether or not a new funding arrangement (self-insured) was appropriate, and evaluated the risk analysis it was ultimately decided to move the program into a captive arrangement. Long term investment strategy Significant Savings Becoming an owner in a captive allows for surplus back to the employer Tax advantages Large Employer in Georgia - 1,300 + Employees This client had been self-insured for many years before Yates became broker of record. Shortly after we became the benefit broker, a full analysis of the plan was conducted. PBM - Pharmacy Benefit Manger - Re-negotiated current contract. Utilized our self-insurance and contract knowledge to provide efficencies and savings to the RX plan. Was able to reduce overall RX spend by 17%. Larger rebates on specialty medication

Large Employer in Kentucky - 250 + Employees

As we took this group on as a new client there was a large need for an overhaul of the benefits program. Top priority was to evaluate Contribution modeling Overall cost Cost share Benchmarking The challenge with this particular client was that they were at the beginning stages of an acquisition, and we were tasked with completing a benefit analysis to determine if we should keep both plans separate or combine them into one.

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