Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — April 24 - May 14, 2015 — 15B
M id A tlantic
E nergy M anagement Lundt Combustion Systems, Inc.
Lundt Combustion Systems, Inc. is an engineering company specializing in Energy Management Systems, Burner Management Systems and Consulting Engineering for all burner and boiler applications. Major consulting projects include One-Pipe, Two-Pipe And Vapor-Vacuum Steam Heating Systems from the early Twentieth Century found in many multi-family apartment buildings in Metropolitan New York. Those systems are a mystery to most present day heating professionals, but not to Lundt Combustion Systems. AD 2000 ™ Temperature Control Now you can provide a constant temperature inside your building for all weather conditions. Each 1 degree set point above code results in a 4% increase in fuel consumption. By monitoring average building temperature and precisely scheduling set points, fuel consumption may be reduced by as much as 30%.
Sample of Graphic displays:
history report
MAxiMuM ENErgy sAviNgs: 15% to 30% savings possible EAsE of usE: Quick set mode DirECT MoNiToriNg: Check temperature in different locations rEMoTE DiAl-up: Call the system from your pC to check or adjust temperatures grAphiC TEMpErATurE DisplAys: verify operation at-a-glance DATA sTorAgE: Document 2 years of building performance
381 Woodside Avenue, Newark, NJ 07104 Office: (973) 822-2090 | Fax: (973) 377-8753 Email: Chuck
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