The_2019_Membership_Marketing_Benchmarking_Report (1)


SURVEY OBJECTIVE For the eleventh consecutive year, MGI has conducted its annual Membership Marketing Benchmarking Survey. As in past years, the report highlights the strategies and tactics that membership organizations find most useful in recruitment, engagement, renewal, and reinstatement of members. Each year, we review the questions from the previous survey to ensure that the content we provide is relevant and on trend. We evaluate the usefulness and success of questions and determine which will be removed, what questions will be added, and which will be retained for further analysis. This year, we added new questions focusing on topics such as innovation and new membership models. METHODOLOGY The 2019 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Survey was conducted online. It was launched on January 7, 2019, and remained open until February 18, 2019. Email invitations were sent to 18,218 association professionals. A total of 759 individuals fully completed and 176 partially completed the survey, totaling 935 participants. The response rate is approximately 5%. From these 935 responses, we drew the 824 unique associations that have formed the basis for this report. REPORT LAYOUT The data in this report is segmented by type of association: Individual Membership Organization (IMO), Trade Association (Trade), or association with a combination of both individual and organizational types of membership (Combination). All segments are included in all charts and tables to show data relevant to all associations. We are continuing our inclusion of the Participant Comment Highlights, which provide verbatim insights and recommendations shared by participants in the survey. SECTION 1 Association Statistics SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 5 Social M dia SECTION 3 Memb r Engagement SECTION 5 Social Media SECTION 5 Social Media SECTION 1 Association Statistics SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 9 The Demographics of Your Association SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 5 Social Media SEC ION 3 Member Engagement SECTION 2 Member Re ruitment (Acquisition) SECTION 5 Social Media SECTION 1 Association Statistics SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 5 Social Media SECTION 3 Member ngagement SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom SECTION 5 Social Media SECTION 1 Association Statistics SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 5 Social Media SECTION 3 Member Engagement SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure



SECTION 1: Association Statistics PAGE 12

SECTION 1 Association Statistics

2 SECTION 2 Member Recruitment (Acquisition) SECTION 1 Association Statistics SECTION 1 Association Statistics SECTION 2 Member Recruitment (Acquisition) SECTION 3 Member Engagement SECTION 2 Member Recruitment (Acquisition) SECTION 2 Member Recruitment (Acquisition) 3

SECTION 2: Member Recruitment PAGE 22

SECTION 2 Member Recruitment (Acquisition) SECTION 2 Memb r Recruitment (Acquisition) SECTION 1 Ass ciation Statistics

SECTION 1 Association Statistics

SECTION 3: Member Engagement PAGE 29

SECTION 2 Member Recruitment (Acquisition)

SECTION 3 Member Engagement SECTION 3 Member Engagement

SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention) SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention) SECTION 3 Member Engagement SECTION 2 Member Recruit ent (Acquisition) SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention) SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention) SECTION 3 M mber Engagement 4 SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention) SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention)

SECTION 4: Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention) PAGE 37

SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention)

SECTION 4 Memb r Renewal a d Reinstatement (Retention)



SECTION 5: Challenges and Goals PAGE 50

SECTION 4 Member Renewal and Reinstatement (Retention)

SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 5 Social M dia SECTION 9 The Demographics of Your Association SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 8 Managing Your Association 7 SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 6 CHALLENGES and Goals 6 SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure

SECTION 6: Dues and Membership

Structure PAGE 55

SECTION 7: Marketing Tools PAGE 64 SECTION 8: Association Demographics PAGE 70 SECTION 9: Words of Wisdom PAGE 75

SECTION 9 The Demographics of Your Association SECTION 9 The Dem graphics of Your Association SECTION 7 Dues and Membership Structure SECTION 10 Wor s of Wisdom SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom SECTION 9 The Demographics of Your Association 8 SECTION 8 Managing Your Association SECTION 9 The Demographics of Your Association

SECTION 9 The Demo raphics of Your Association

SECTION 9 The Demographics of Your Association

SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom

SECTION 9 The Dem graphics of Your Association


SECTION 10 Words of Wisdom

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