2017 OneWorld Annual Report

Patients & Participants Rising Teen and Young Adult Health Center helps patient cope with depression

English classes boost confidence

When Patricia Paniagua first came to the U.S. from Guatemala with her children in 2015, she was both excited and frightened. She couldn’t wait to be reunited with her husband, who had been living in the U.S. for four years, but she was also nervous because of her language barrier. “My first struggle was communication with people,” she said. “I was so scared to go to the store … I remember my first conference at my kids’ school, I was scared to go. I had to ask for a translator.” About a year later, Patricia was referred for English classes at the Learning Community Center of South Omaha. She was thrilled that she could take classes and bring her youngest child along. Since starting classes, her English has improved significantly. “It’s amazing, and it’s a dream come true,” she said. “I’m learning, and every class that I come to is different, it’s wonderful, it’s unique! … I feel more confident since I started studying here.”

According to Dr. Amy Lacroix, a provider at OneWorld’s Teen and Young Adult Health Center, the clinic has been able to help several young patients through difficult situations in the past year. One young woman came to the clinic with her father because she was suffering from depression after graduating from high school. “She was spending all her time in her room, on her phone and on the internet with no social outlets,” Dr. Lacroix said. After her initial meeting with the staff at the clinic, the patient began coming in regularly for follow-up appointments, seeing the clinic’s behavioral health specialist and taking medication. “She is now trying to set goals for herself,” Dr. Lacroix said. “She got a job, she has a new look, and she is trying to meet people.”


Uninsured patients served in 2017 20,543 70

17,269 Children < 19 served in 2017

Different patient ZIP codes

Patients served in 2017

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