
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — October 21 - November 17, 2022 — 7C


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

By Michael Lee Villanueva, PE, ECS Mid-Atlantic A DAM GOOD PROJECT

A hurricane recently went through eastern parts of the country

replacement since they can no longer perform according to original design standards. Take for example spalling concrete. Spalls refer to areas of concrete that have delami- nated and cracked. This is often caused by water infiltration into the concrete, corroding the reinforcing steel (rebar) within the concrete. When this steel corrodes, it expands, and the force will crack the concrete. Loose concrete should be re- moved and replaced with an ap- propriate repair mortar. Crack repairs can be made by sealing the cracks with an epoxy, if the cracks are structural, or with

sealant if not. Any exposed rebar should be cleaned and coated with corrosion inhibitors to prevent further corrosion. Several of the spillway walls and concrete dams due for re- pairs exhibit these conditions. Chain-link fences installed in these concrete structures are also cracked at the bases and constitute potential unsafe conditions if unaddressed. Similarly, some of the wood guiderails and steps around the parks have deteriorated over long-term exposure to the elements. Several wood posts for the crest walkway at Locust Lake State Park in Barnesville,

PA, are rotted with very little structural integrity remaining. The posts have deteriorated to the point where a vehicle or bicyclist won’t sufficiently be protected from going over the edge. Deficient posts are being replaced with new members throughout the parks. Not only is remedial work being performed, but site im- provements are also taking place for both the staff’s ben- efit as well as visitors. At the Frances Slocum State Park in Luzerne County, a new 100- foot long fiberglass bridge is currently under design that will allow visitors to cross over

the existing spillway walls. Trails will be lined with DGA to improve walkability. The project is slated to span 1,000 days from executed con- tract to final repairs. The proj - ect began in the summer of 2022, and when completed the repairs will help the dams stand for another 50 years. More importantly, the dams will help protect valuable in- frastructure and the surround- ing towns from the ravages of mother nature. Michael Lee Villanueva, PE, is facilities senior proj- ect manager at ECS Mid- Atlantic. MAREJ

and decimat- ed both resi- dences and public build- ings with flooding and hurricane wind forces. As we begin to rebuild, our govern-

Michael Lee Villanueva

ment also needs to address failing infrastructure which is needed for a society to operate successfully. Buildings, roads, bridges, and dams are exposed to the punishing forces of moth- er nature when these storms hit, reminding us how fragile this manufactured “ecosystem” can be. Fortunately, things are about to improve one dam at a time in Pennsylvania. ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC has been awarded a design-build con- tract with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). It’s only the 2nd design-build contract the DCNR has undertaken. ECS has partnered with Fly-Way Excavating Inc. to rehabilitate eleven dams to meet current Dam Safety Standards, and to remove dams that no longer serve their original function. With both environmental and geotechnical laying much of the groundwork, the ECS Facilities group will provide structural support to repair concrete, strengthen fence posts, build new headwalls and design foundations for new pedestrian bridges. Many of the structures are over 50 years old. Deteriorating concrete, wood, guiderails, and fences around the park need neighborhood center, including restaurants and professional services. Drew Romanic, AIA is a principal at The Martin Architectural Group. MAREJ In the article “Ridge Farms Townhomes over Flats offers traditional neighborhood design" By Drew Romanic, AIA, The Martin Archi- tectural Group (Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Volume 34, Issue 9, Sept. 23 - Oct. 20, 2022, pp 8D) there was an error in the1st paragraph. The editorial ran with the letter D. The following: “As part of the South White- hall Pennsylvania Township Comprehensive Plan approved in 2009 " ran incorrectly. All versions of this article have been corrected. continued from page 5C Ridge Farms Townhomes over Flats offers . . .


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