GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
on Maximum Power Sports’ line of Kawasaki recreational vehicles and related products, and also the inventory of used snowmobiles, "57T BOE657T BMPOHXJUIWFIJDMFTFSWJDJOH The building offers 5000-square-feet of showroom space plus another 6000-square- feet of back room and basement area for vehicle servicing and inventory storage. “I am a true believer in having a proper showroom to show off the product,” Assaly said. That is the short-term plan for Assaly’s new acquisition. The long-term plan, he noted, is still developing, but he knows that he will need to increase his sales and service staff. The number of people working at Maximum Powers Sports since it began in 2012 has grown from seven to 28, and Assaly expects to add at least half a dozen to his staff as he launches his new secondary showroom.
The doors of Goulet Motosports are shut but they will reopen soon under the Maximum Power Sports name. “We are looking to expand Maximum Power Sports into that building,” said Kevin Assaly, owner/operator, during an October 15 interview. “We just don’t have enough space for everything here on Tupper Street.” Assaly has made motor vehicles his busi- ness focus over the past two decades. He became the owner of Hawkesbury Hyundai in 1998 and then a partner in Hawkesbury Toyota. In 2012, he bought out Quesnel RV, which was located on Main Street, and transformed it into Maximum Power Sports, which he relocated to its current showroom and service/supply facility on Tupper Street. /PX UIF 5VQQFS 4USFFU CVTJOFTT IBT become too small to meet the demands of Assaly’s clientele. The recent announcement of Goulet Motosports closing down its ope- rations has proved an opportune time for Maximum Power Sports to return to its old Main Street neighbourhood with the creation of a second showroom setup. “We’ve been growing since 2012,” Assaly said, adding that sales are almost peaking at 1000 units, both new and used vehicles, a year. The sales demand, along with the vehicle servicing side, has pushed to the limits the capacity of the 21,500-square-foot Tupper Street facility. The focus for the new showroom site in the old Goulet Motosports building will be
All the necessary environmental tests are done on the former Goulet Motosports site. Assaly takes possession of his new TIPXSPPNGBDJMJUZJO/PWFNCFS Lorsqu’il se détend, Kevin Assaly aime se promener en VUT, comme ceux qu’il vend dans son établissement Maximum Power Sports de la rue Tupper. Il n’aura pas autant de temps à consacrer à ce passetemps, car il sera occupé par l›ouverture de sa nouvelle salle de montre dans l›ancien bâtiment de Goulet Motosports, au centre-ville de Hawkesbury. —photo Gregg Chamberlain EMPLOYMENT CENTRE FASTRACKS PLANS DURING PANDEMIC
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Carole Muise, communications liaison for the Employment Services Centre of Pres- cott-Russell (ESCPR). “The pandemic only accelerated what we needed to do.” One of the first things the ESCPR did during the early days of the pandemic was to improve its existing online counseling service for all its clients, both those seeing employment and those looking for potential employees with certain skills. The ESCPR uses Zoom and other online conferencing systems to make sure it can help as many clients as possible. “We’ll adapt to whatever system the customer wants to use,” Muise said. The ESCPR also developed a series of webinars, also known as online seminars, available to both job seekers and employers through the agency’s website. One special webinar, Ça va bien, which is available in French for now, aims at offering advice to clients on how to work better and be more productive while staying at home during the pandemic and also provides suggestions on
how to cope with feelings of isolation. The agency also has an e-lending library program to provide clients in need with lap- tops they can use for working with online counselors and doing job searches for themselves. A psychotherapy program is also now in place for working with clients on a variety of issues related to job hunting or other needs.
Innovation is Prescott-Russell’s employ- ment services agency’s response to the pandemic. “We have quite novelties now,” said AVIS DE CONVOCATION À L’ASSEMBLÉE ANNUELLE DES ACTIONNAIRES NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
Veuillez prendre note que l’assemblée annuelle des actionnaires aura lieu au club même du Hawkesbury Golf & Curling Ltée, le lundi 23 novembre 2020 à 19h. Cette assemblée annuelle régulière examinera les rapports, approuvera les états financiers, nommera les auditeurs, élira les administrateurs et en outre, l’actuel conseil d’administration proposera des modifications aux statuts actuels de la société pour 1) permettre l’envoi des avis aux actionnaires par courrier électronique lorsque cela est possible et par avis public à tous les autres actionnaires, 2) réduire le nombre d’administrateurs au conseil de 10 actuellement à 8. Des copies des états financiers de 2019-2020, la liste des administrateurs pour l’élection incluant le formulaire de nomination, les formulaires de procuration ainsi que les modifications proposées aux règlements administratifs sont disponibles en communiquant par courriel à la compagnie au info@hawkesburygolfandcurling.com ou par téléphone au 613-632-8506, poste 200 Étant donné la situation actuelle causée par la COVID-19, des restrictions de la santé publique exigent un nombre limité de personnes pouvant assister à cette réunion. Vous devrez donc vous inscrire par courrier électronique à la même adresse indiquée ci dessus afin de réserver votre place. Si le nombre d’actionnaires désirant assister à la réunion dépassait la limite permise, un appel-conférence pourrait être organisée. Si vous ne pouvez assister à la réunion et que vous voulez être représenté, veuillez désigner votre mandataire en remplissant le formulaire de procuration et nous le faire parvenir dans les plus brefs délais. Notice is hereby given that the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company will be held in the Clubhouse, East Hawkesbury, Ontario on Monday, November 23, 2020 at 7 pm. This regular annual meeting will consider reports, approve financial statements, appoint auditors, elect Directors and in addition, the current Board of Directors is proposing amendments to the Company bylaws to 1) permit the Notice to Shareholders to be sent by email where possible and public notice for all other shareholders, 2) reduce the number of directors to eight from the current ten. Copies of the 2019-2020 financial statements, directors for election including nomination forms, proxy forms, as well as the proposed bylaw changes are available by contacting the Company by email at info@hawkesburygolfandcurling.com or by telephone at 613-632-8506, ext 200 As a result of COVID-19 public health restrictions, the number of shareholders that can be represented in person will be limited therefore registration for the meeting is required by emailing the Company at the above email address. If more shareholders register than permitted by public health restrictions, a telephone call-in number will be arranged. If you are unable to be present and wish to be represented, please appoint your proxy and forward the proxy form to the Company at your earliest convenience.
La pandémie a incité le Centre de services à l’emploi de Prescott-Russell à développer de nouveaux outils en ligne pour aider tant les personnes à la recherche d’un emploi que les employeurs à la recherche de personnel. — photo tirée d’une banque d’images
Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383
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