
• It’s not real. • I can’t get myself to do things. • I feel empty.

• I wouldn’t care if I died tomorrow. • I don’t want to live without him/her. • I can’t stand being alone. • presence of strong self-reproach, self-depreciating remarks and anger at self, particularly with respect to relationship with dying person • made a pact with the ill person to take own life and has a plan how to do it • inhibition of feelings, unable to acknowledge or talk about feelings of impending loss • perception that dying person received “poor care” • altered mental functioning, extreme difficulty in concentrating, remembering, making decisions • severe depression. Situational Factors: • sudden unexpected death or short fatal illness (under two months) • untimely death – premature or post mature, dying person does not die on schedule • young bereaved (55 and under) • ethnicity: not a cultured to prevailing attitudes toward bereavement and mourning (may not know what is expected or allowable for these in our culture) • low socio-economic status • multiple life crises, concurrent losses or problems: • loss of income • financial problems

• job loss • divorce • difficulties with children • pregnancy

• marital conflict • recent marriage • recent loss of another close family member or friend.

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