Elite Smiles - November/December 2019

DON’T LET YOUR SNORING IMPACT YOUR HEALTH Find Relief With SomnoDent’s Oral Appliances

TEA TIME What’s Swirling Around in Your Cup? Tea has been consumed for thousands of years and is the second-most popular drink in the world, with water being the first. It is the national drink of several nations, including China and India, and is an integral component of religious ceremonies the world over. Drinking tea has been known to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep. In addition to these instant benefits, tea can also help improve a person's long-term health through regular consumption. YOUR HEART According to Harvard Health Institute, several studies show that those who regularly drink black and green tea are at a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These types of tea contain antioxidants and flavonoids, which are plant chemicals that help dilate arteries and reduce bad cholesterol. Studies also link tea consumption with improved vascular reactivity — how well your blood vessels respond to stress. YOUR BRAIN Flavonoids don’t only fight heart disease; these chemicals can also reduce any vascular damage to the brain. The National University of Singapore has conducted studies that link reduced risks of dementia in the elderly with regular tea consumption. The results speak for themselves: “The longitudinal study involving 957 Chinese seniors aged 55 years or older has found that regular consumption of tea lowers the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly by 50%, while APOE e4 gene carriers who are genetically at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease may experience a reduction in cognitive impairment risk by as much as 86%.”

If you feel tired even after a full night’s rest or if your loud snoring keeps both your spouse and yourself up at night, then you could have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping condition in which you stop breathing periodically throughout the night. This results in reduced oxygen levels within the body, leading to degraded physical, mental, and oral health. Dentists are apt to diagnose and treat sleep apnea because one of its primary symptoms is tooth grinding. Sleep apnea is most commonly treated through the use of oral appliances, such as those created by SomnoDent, which are used to increase sleep quality, reduce snoring, and improve overall health. SOMNODENT ORAL APPLIANCES At Elite Smiles, we know the severity of discomfort and pain that sleep apnea can cause, which is why we provide solutions through SomnoDent. These oral appliances are FDA-approved and a great alternative for people who can’t or don’t want to use corrective or CPAP therapy. SomnoDent offers several types of oral appliances: Classic, Fusion, SUADs, Flex, Herbst Advance, AIR/AIR+, and Morning Repositioner. Each device is chosen and custom-made with each person’s individual needs in mind. They are comfortable, durable, and effective for treating obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. BENEFITS OF SOMNODENT As mentioned above, these appliances are beneficial for people desiring alternative methods to treat their sleep apnea. Unlike other treatments, SomnoDent’s oral appliances give patients the ability to open and close their mouth while wearing the device, making it easy to drink a glass of water, yawn, or talk. This device is also adjustable, meaning a person can adjust how far their lower jaw is advanced to be as comfortable as possible. One of the most significant advantages that comes with SomnoDent is their adaptability. A person who has bridgework, missing teeth, a full upper denture, or crowns can use a SomnoDent appliance easily.

YOUR MOOD Tea leaves contain the amino acid L-theanine, which stimulates several feel-good neurotransmitters, like serotonin and gamma- Aminobutyric acid (GABA). These neurotransmitters help boost your mood and alertness. According to a study by the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, tea even has the ability to ward off depression. The study took 22,817 participants with 4,743 cases of depression over 11 studies, and 13 reports found that individuals who drank three cups of tea a day decreased their depression risk by 37%. So, the next time you want a warm beverage that will do your mind and body good, reach for some tea and bask in all the health benefits as you sip.

Sleep apnea doesn’t have to rule your night. Give Elite Smiles a call to receive your custom- made SomnoDent oral appliance today.



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