MTC Electrification Brochure

THE OUTCOME The Factory Optimisation demonstration ultimately sought to identify challenges throughout the production process of an electric motor, and to provide meaningful insights to inform decision making. For example, the demonstration illustrated how a tenfold throughput increase (from 15 to 213 products per day) could be realised, whilst only requiring double the floor space (from 406 m2 to 884 m2). The advanced visualisation platform allowed these results to be presented in an interactive and accessible format - whereby individual workers and workstations could be analysed to understand the breakdown of value-added and non-value-added activities.

BENEFITS TO THE CLIENT ƒ Well informed decision making for factory and production optimisation to help minimise the investment risk in scale-up of products such as Electric Motors, Batteries, Power Electronics, and more. ƒ Intuitive interaction with simulation findings helps non-technical users to understand the analysis and gain meaningful insights into the behaviour of a production system. ƒ Visualisation of factory layout with accurate animations displays worker movements support further analysis into machinery and worker positioning. ƒ Virtual representation permits users to run different scenarios without impacting existing manufacturing output or costly prototyping.


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