MTC Electrification Brochure

THE OUTCOME The PERSEUS project brought together teams of experts from multiple disciplines supporting to work across the multiple work packages. This JLR- led consortium successfully overcame the challenges presented over the course of the project, from pandemics to re-designs through to demonstrator manufacture delays. A key aspect of the PERSEUS project involved the development of optimal component process flows to aid in factory floor planning; which were used to complement HSSMI’s Production Line simulation models. This aimed to avoid costly investments in new equipment, the PERSEUS project team worked to establish which aspects of the existing manufacturing capability and equipment could be repurposed for EDU production, whilst also retaining the capability to manufacture ICEs. Through the extensive technology surveys, not all the initial existing technology was found to be supportive of a flexible production line. This opened the door to other equipment and technologies including adaption of existing laser processing equipment for novel EDU applications. The MTC leaned on its internal Laser Processing team to join the project to assess concepts and conduct trials as part of the development work.

The MTC were able to support members of the consortium build

custom machinery, alongside their own demonstrators, including a new special purpose conductor-forming machine. Designed to validate essential modelling and simulation, and further explore the unit’s thermal and electrical conductivity capabilities that will ultimately lead to enhanced EDU performance. These demonstrator pieces can be seen in the electrification are of the MTC workshop. Regular information sharing sessions amongst the consortium enhanced the knowledge transfer aspect of the project. As well as supported Birmingham City University in the development of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses for other staff within the partnering companies. These courses were created with the overall aim of targeting upskilling across the automotive industry with the rise of electric vehicle manufacture; the CPD courses are anticipated to launch to industry access in 2022. The MTC also completed a thorough supply chain analysis and obtained a wider understanding of the capabilities within the supply chain for electric vehicles. Subsequently this exercise has given MTC a detailed understanding on the challenges faced and the next steps to prepare the UK automotive industry for a future powered by electric vehicles.


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