3rd Online Congress Sponsorship Pack
Information and Pricing Sponsoring the 2nd EVO Online Congress is a great way to promote your business to the EVO network and to a larger community too at a great price.
It shows you are getting behind businesses in the region and Wales too - whilst building general awareness of your company or organistion.
There are just two sponsorship opportunities available for this event that takes place on Thursday 3rd June 2021 . Each package includes the following :
1. Dedicated e-Shot to the EVO List We will send a single email to the current opt-in database of over 1000+ subscribers. We will also send this to the ‘did not open’ list a few days later to ensure a higher open rate. The email promotes both sponsors and can contain a logo with hyperlink, up to 300 words and a photograph. 2. 1 to 2 Minute Online Video We will shoot, edit and post a short video about the two Congress Sponsors on LinkedIn . This will be presented to camera by Jamie and you can see a recent example of a video he made recently here. We will include sponsor logos on the two ‘endcards’. This recent video had 4,000 views since it was posted a few weeks ago. Jamie has over 8,5000 connections and often content is shared.
3. Posting on Members LinkedIn Page We will post information about the Sponsor in a dedicated posting on the Members-Only group page. This will be boosted with a ‘Recommend’ . We can do this once for each sponsor and we can only recommend once a week to the group. There are currently over 175 Members and we hope to have this to over 300 by June-time. 4. Logo On Eventbrite Page/ Waiting Room We will place the two sponsor logos in the Event ticketing system. When the reminder emails are sent out, we will add the logos to these 3 scheduled emails which contain the Zoom link, speaker info and schedule. In addition, we will add a written thank you to the two sponsors in the Waiting Room for the actual event.
Our speakers for the first EVO Online Congress in May 2020.
5. Host Virtual Background We will place a virtual background graphic with the two sponsor logos clearly visible. This will be on the host’s background - and Jamie’s too.
6. In-Meeting Namechecks
We will thank our two sponsors at the beginning and conclusion of the event itself..
7. Pre and Post Event Publicity Despite being a private event, we like to promote the special meeting widely as it shows that EVO is going places! There will be several postings on LinkedIn (to Jamie’s connections) before and after the meeting. These will also carry the Sponsor logos and a thank you. 8. CSR One of the best elements we feel. Each Sponsor can nominate a charity to their respective group and that charity will pay nothing. We ask that the representative is approved by EVO; is a senior in the organisation; that it doesn’t clash with a current Member and that they understand the regular commitment required to be a Member. Once approved, we will suggest a group that the charity can join. The Sponsor will be able to share that they are sponsoring that good cause and the membership duration is for 6-months (until the next Congress effectively). Delivery The sponsorship is personally supervised by Jamie to ensure correct delivery and checked by EVO’s Sarah Brooks. Jamie has previously successfully delivered multiple sponsorship packages at Only Connect networking and The Business Showcase South West for brands and companies like Aston Martin, Xero, HSBC, Enterprise rent-a-car, Weston College, NatWest, Bentley, Worldpay, Corporate Traveller, Bristol Waste and Audi. Pricing The total investment is just £499 + vat per sponsorship position. There are two packages available. Positioning is based on a ‘first come’ basis.
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