King's Business - 1912-02

abandoned if we would have His blessing and of what use is serviee if He does not bless? 1 J o hn 1:6, 7, 9. A Prayerful Life. A soul winner must be a soul wrestler. If there is but little prayer there will be but little performance. Prayer will prepare our hearts and the hearts of others. Plead the promises of God and pray without ^easing, James 5:18. A Purposeful Life. Be definite in your aim and determined in your purpose. You must set your stakes and order your life in the line of your call. You are to live a soul saver's life. 1 oCr, 9:16. A Persistent Life. Do not be discour- aged. Keep at it. You will make mis- takes. You will be rebuffed. You will be criticised, but you will be conscious of God's smile of approval. 1 Cor. 15:58. Dealing with the Indifferent. We take this class first, because it repre- sents the larger number of people with whom we will be called upon to deal. People who are careless and indifferent need to be convicted of sin. This class includes the non-church goers who are in no manner opposed to t he Church and the Church goers who a re gospel hardened. This class of people give but little thought to eternal matters. if We must be convicted ourselves of the enormity of sin in God's sight. The work of the Holy Spirit in the world is Seven times he had tried the, Keeley Cure, each time sinking lower and more helpless, twice the 3-day Neal Cure, then on the verge of Delirium Tremens, Tommy Hayes, the Actor, went for the third time back to the Neal Institute at San Fran- cisco. Long ago he had been turned down, couldn't hold a job. The Supt. of the Institution said: " W e Can't do any- thing for you, you are only hurting our business; but here is a card and Teh Dol- lars; take the boat for Los Angeles, fol- low the advice on the card and you give that cure a try'-': F R E E ! FREE!! FREE!!!. Liquor Habit Permanently Cured In one treatment by the BLOOD cure. Also the habit of using dope, smoking, chewing, stealing, lying, swearing, gam- bling, fighting, cheating, deceiving, wife- beating, . lusting, back-biting, talking about your neighbors, covetousness, Sab- bath-breaking, and all other habits that degrade men and women, cured in one treatment without money and without price. Chronic cases a specialty. If all

to convict men of sin. John 16:8-11. The Spirit will use the Word. Heb. 4:12. Take a f ew passages of Scripture and commit them to memory: Bom. 3:23, " F o r all have s i n n e d ." Bom. 3:10, " T h e re is not one r i g h t e o u s ." Isa. 57:21, " T h e r e is no peace saith my God to t he w i c k e d ." Bom. 6:23, " F o r the wages of sin is d e a t h . '' John 3:36, " B u t the wrath of God abid- eth on h i m . '' Matt. 22:37-38, "Them shalt love the L<5rd." Show by these passages that there is absolutely no difference in God's sight. They t h at are in the flesh cannot please God. Bom. 8:8. Show how solemn and aw f ul it is to be under the wrath of God and how great is the sinner who has broken the first great commandment. Judgment, eternal wrath, is the eternal portion of the sinner. God took vengeance upon t he age before the flood, upon Sodom and Gomorrah, upon the Jews. Press the t r u th home upon the hearts and conscience, that unless they re- pent they must likewise perish. Meditation for the Worker. Bead carefully and prayerfully Matt. 11:20-27 and then go over t he above pass- ages and pray that God may use you to awaken some indifferent ones to aJ deep consciousness of their sin. others have failed, come to us. We guar- antee the cure. Come any night between the hours of 7:45 and !> a'clock and hear the wonderful testimonials of . men and women who have been cured. We have plenty of good music ab

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