JFacfcs of jFaitl). By J. H. S.
8. The aim of it: 'Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom 1 have chosen; that ye may know and be- lieve me and understand that I am He; " " T h a t men may know that Thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the e a r t h ;" Isa. 43:10: Psa. 83:18. 9. The promise of it: " I t is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of G o d ; " " A n d they shall teach no more every man-his brother, and every man his neighbor, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know Me, from the least of them to thé greatest of them, saith the L o r d ; " Jno. 6:45; Jer. 31:34. 10. Head knowledge not sufficient: " T h e devils believe and t r emb l e ;" " T h ey profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work r e p r o b a t e ;" "Because that when they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were t h a n k f u l ;" Jas. 2:19; Tit. 2:16; Bom. 1:21. I. GOD—HIS REALITY, THAT HE IS. iris Existence— 1. Denied: " Wh o is that God that shall deliver you out of my h a n d ; " " T h e fool has said in his heart, " T h e re is no G o d ;" Dan. 3:15; Psa. 14:1. 2. Affirmed, (1) BY THE DEMONS, " T h e devils b e l i e v e ;" I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God; " Jas. 2:10; Mrk. 1:24. (2) BY HIS WORKS, (a) Universal— 1 "Unto Thee, O God, do we give thanks, for thati Thy name is near Thy wondrous works d e c l a r e ;" " F o r the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being un- derstood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and godhead; ' Psa. 75:1; Eom. 1:20. (b) Celestial— . " T h e heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handi- w o r k ; " Psa. 19:1; Isa. 40:26. (c) Ter- restrial —"Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out the heavens with & span, and comprehend- ed the dust of the earth in a balance, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a ballance?" Isa. 40:12. (d) Providential —"Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and f r u i t f ul seasons, filling our hearts with
INDIFFERENCE to It, " B u t none saith, Wh e re is God my Maker, who giveth songs in the night ; wh o t e a e h e th us more than the beast of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of the
heaven? Job 35:10, Rom. (3:11). 2. Longing for it: " O h that I knew where I might find Him! t h at I might come even to His seat! As the hart pant- eth after the waterbrooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O Go d ." Job 23:3: Psa. 42:1; 63:1. 3. Importance of it: " A n d this is life eternal to know Thee, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast s e n t ; " " F e a r God and keep His commandments for this is the whole (duty) of m a n . " Jno. 3:17; Eec. 12:13. • 4. Depths of it: " Ca n st thou by search- ing find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection? it is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou k n o w ?" Oh the depths of the riches both of the wis- dom and knowledge of God! how unsearch- able are His judgments, and His ways past finding o u t ." Job 11:7, 8; Eom. 11:33. 5. Conditions of it: " A n d ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your h e a r t ." "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," " I f any will do His will he shall know of the doctrine," Jer. 29:13; Matt. 5:8; Jno. 7:17. 6. Method of it: " T h a t they should seek the Lord, if Eaply they might feel after Him, and find Him, though He be not f ar from every one of u s . " " I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy d o i n g s ;" " S e a r ch the Scriptures, for these are they that testify of M e ; " Ac. 17:27; Psa. 77:12; Jno. 5:39. 7. Blessing of it: " T h e people that dp know their God shall be strong, and do ex- p l o i t s ;" " T h us saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the' rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth, and knoweth M e ; " " t h i s is life eternal to know Thee, and Jesus Ch r i s t ;" Dan. 11:32; Jer. 9:23, 24; Jno. 17:3.
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