King's Business - 1912-02

John worth about the price of a lewd girl's dance (Matt. 14:3-10). But Jesus, who knew men (Jno. 2:24), said there was never a greater than John (Matt. 11:11). Let us all, then, be preachers. 2. What the Preacher thought of himself. He said he was just a voice in a wilder- ness (Mark 1:3). He was God's voice, and himself nothing. He spoke of One greater than himself (Matt. 3:11), and took the place of a shoeblack beside Him, glad to decrease, that his Lord might increase (Jno. 3:30). • , , • m m i 3. What the Preacher preached. Jesus (Acts 8:36). He said that He was coming, King Jesus, with the Kingdom of heaven. That men everywhere should repent and get ready. That they should be baptized to represent the washing away of their sins. That men must quit sinning and do right. That the King would winnow His grain, burn up the chaff, and treasure up the wheat. on at Santa Ba r b a ra High School with f r om thirty to f o r ty students meeting daily for prayer. At San Diego a volun- teer Bible Class and prayer circle has been formed, meeting once a week and working for & series of young people's meetings to be held in the near future. We want definite, continual prayer for the means necessary for the. erection of our building. We have the opportunity if God supplies the money to build the best plant in t he world for Bible teach- ing and evangelistic work. Will you unite with us on the basis of 2 Cor. 9:8 and Phil. 4:19? • Dear Bro.: I send greetings for the New Year; The K i n g 's Business has proved a blessing to me. Dear Sirs: The Hillside Aid Society of the mission church at Creseens School house of t he M. E. Church of T a ft desires to express their appreciation of the grand ten day service, conducted in our midst, by Rev. Sloan and Mr." Lawrence. We surely are all better for-having heard such able sermons and our only regret is that they couldn't stay longer. Dear Friends: Enclosed please find $5 for payment on your Scofield Correspond- ence Course, and for the books offered by the course. Am certainly glad you are giving us this splendid opportunity. If it were possible, you would have me a per- sonal scholar in your Institute. A year ago tonight I attended one of your joint Fishermen and Lyceum Girl's meetings, and the inspiration still remains with me. Never shall forget how Dr. Horton said " H e is a b l e ." LETTERS OF APPRECIATION.

r only His answers, but His questions showed His wonderful mind and .vision of the things of God. We do not know what those ques- tions and answers were. But one thing that He said is full enough for us of wisdom. It is His answer to His mother, "I must be about' My Father's business." That was Jesus' life motto. And as He is man's ex- ample none of us, great or small, can choose so fitting .an ideal of our true, business in this world^as that we should "be about our (heavenly) Father's business." Read Ecc. 12:1, 12, 13;, Matt. 6:3;3; Mark 10:21; Gal. 2:20. Sunday) Feb. 25. Luke 3:2-4. Topic: THE PREACHER IN THE DESERT. 1. Who the Preacher was. He was the "Messenger" of Mai. 3:1; the-son of Zacha- rias, a priest (Luke 1:5-22); a great man in the sight of God (Luke 1:15), but small in that of man. Herold thought the head of Mr. George Hunter has taken a class in the Y. M. C. A. in Pasadena. Messrs. Barrett and Whitcomb held a series' of meetings in Burbank and at this writing are in service in Pasadena, Cali- fornia. P r a nk Beal, a former " F i s h e r m a n ," has been honored by the Imperial Gov- ernment of China. He has been sent as a special envoy into t he interior to look after the refugees. Ted Smith of t he Fishermen 's Club has gone to Tolchaco, Arizona, with Mr. Fred Mitchell to take charge of the boy's work among the Mojave Indians. Mr. Bald- win of the club has been there for two years, and Miss May Walther, formerly of our Book Department, for a year. • We are offered an equity equal to six thousand dollars in a house and six acres of ground worth $18,500. We could use the place, which is one of the finest loca- tions in Southern California, f or a rest home for tired workers and missionaries. P r a y er with'-us t h at if it be God's will we may have this home. During the Young People's meeting held by Barret and Whitcomb a t Bur- bank, Mr. Whitcomb spoke before the student body of t he High School. The result of his message was the formation of a Bible Class which will meet once a -week and be taught by one of t he High School teachers. . . . . Prayer circles have also been formed which will meet every day for fifteen minutes of prayer. , . , A similar work ip. going

Institute Kleins

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