efficacious and finished work of Christ be undervalued and lost" sight of; and either a self-righteous or desponding experience will result. 11 Their righteousness is of Me, saith the L o r d " (Isa. 5 4 : 1 7 ) , " E v en the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ, unto all and upon all them that believe" (Rom. 3:22). Walking in Him implies abiding in Him, a,nd acting as being accepted in Him, and complete in Him, who is the Head of all principality and power; and thus, by .the constraining power of His love, follow- ing in His steps. " I n the Lord have I righteousness and strength,'^ is the watch-, word of those who thus walk. Such " a r e
strong in the Lord and in the power of His m i g h t ." They are strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 2:1). They walk not as " f a r o f f ," but as " ma de nigh by the blood of Christ." They breathe not " t h e spirit of bondage," but " t h e spirit of adoption," whereby they cry, " Ab b a, Father'* (Rom. 8:15). They " e n- ter into the holiest by the blood of J e s u s ;" and as " s e a t ed together in heavenly places in Christ," they worship and serve with reverence and godly' fear, with holy dignity and filial awe; with humility, be- cause they glory only in the Lord, and with heavenly calmness, because of the perpetual efficacy of His blood and right- eousness. ' '
A J Í W Í. Outòoor ^Evangelism,
( T o i t t r i b u t e ò.
HEN the religious history of California is written, no chapter will be , so re- plete with interest as that which shall record the
ter how embittered he may be with life, who does not secretly long to smile. The evangelist encourages people in this de- sire. In fact, if smiling were a crime, he would be arrested as aider and abettor to many violations of the law. Not long ago when Gypsy Smith was conducting a series of revival services in Portland, Mullen was also present in that city. One day when a band of antagon- istic Socialists were making a personal attack on Smith, God' and the Bible, Mul- len suddenly walked into the crowd and, stepping onto a large box, he shouted, .that he would give $5 to any man there who had read the Bible through. At first the crowd ther&tened to mob him. Over and over again they tried to rush him off his feet. The box on which he had been standing they kicked into a thousand splinters. But by his persistency, his' quick wit and his Biblical answers to all their maddened questionings he finally succeeded in quieting the crowd . suffi- ciently to . make the. men shout for/ fair play. Presently a man came forward to claim the money, saying thfit he had read the Bible through. " H a v e .you read Genesis?'.' asked Mullen. " Y e s , " re- plied the man. " H a v e you read Revela- t i o n s ?" " Y e s , " answered the man! " H a v e you read J e r em i a h ?" " Y e s . " " H a v e you read Hezekiah?"" " Y e s . " ' ' Sure you '.ve read Hezekiah ? ' ' queried t>he evangelist. 1 ' Ye s ." " Are you cer- tain about t h a t ? " repeated Mullen. "Ye s,
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I A g Wf'Wt
. events connected with the remarkable open air meetings at Second and Los Angeles streets, where a disso- lute, disorderly and often drunken crowd has been transformed into a throng of men who now listen quietly and 'eagerly to messages of love spoken by the Mas- ter through the lips of one of His servants. Some months ago, under the auspices of the Bible Institute, William Mullen, an eyangelist of , power, volunteered to take charge of. these street meetings. He was told that the men who attended would not listen to the words of the gos- j pel and that they often were ' insult- ing, almost to violence. He was told that they would often try to rush men off the street, like a band of college boys in a football game. The evangelist did not flinch. He simply forgot there was such a man as William Mullen, threw aside the thought of the personal self, and, with the comforting assurance, that God was backing him, he started in to win. At first it was not an easy proposition. Men hooted and kissed when Mullen or any of his associates mounted a platform. However, one of Mullen's most enviable traits is good humor. Now, good humor is patching, because there is no man, no mat-
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