sir; I tell you Y E S ! " " H ow could y o u ? " said Mullen, smiling, " wh en Hezekiah isn't in the B i b l e ?" Then the Socialists clamored for Mullen to meet them in de- bate. Mullen agreed to meet his chal- lengers at a hotel near by to arrange for the debate, and told the Socialists to choose a speaker from among them. Mul- len went to the hotel and waited more than 48 hours, but no one appeared. One day when he first began his street meetings in Los Angeles the evangelist had just mounted'the platform when some one shouted: "Wh e re did Cain get his w i f e ? " "Wh y, from his mother-in-law, of course,'' replied the speaker. The crowd laughed, and though the interro- gator was somewhat chagrined, Mullen's answer procured him the respectful at- tention of the assemblage. At another time a ruffian shouted: " H o w do you know t h e r e ' s ,a Go d ?" ' ' Because,'' replied the evangelist, ' ' no one but the fool hath said in his heart there is no Go d ." " D o you call me a f o o l ?" said the man, angrily. " N o , " re- plied Mullen, " b u t God does, and I believe H i m . " The result of preaching His word, day by day, was that Mullen has won and is
winning-twinning souls for Christ, win- ning men from drunkenness, idleness and dissipation to a better, higher, cleaner life. With the help of the Lord, he is carrying on a reclamation project in the desert of human" life. He is reclaiming men from the Slough of Despond and placing them in fields that are ever green with the beauty of holiness, where waters of life are flowing and where the flowers of love make the sweet air gflad with the fragrance of compassion. Many men have been converted sihcie he began to preach, and some are attending the meet- ings of the Bible Institute at Third and Main streets. Men are becoming interested and are joining churches, missions and other branches of Christian woTk. Dur- ing the last three or four months more Bibles have been sold at the book stores than were sold in many months previous. Aided by the Institute, Mullen often finds employment for the men, and the good that is being done is- inestimable. The attendance at the street " meetings in- creases daily. Two weeks ago on Sun- day 882 men, by actual count; were in attendance, and last Sunday there was a congregation of more than 1,000. Tho meetings are held daily at noon and on Sundays at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
"personal Cvangelism,
Z5, (T. D f o r t o n . LESSON No. 2.
thing to do— hard because according to the flesh it will be the thing you will shrink . from doing. The Holy Spirit will be lead- ing, urging, impelling you to speak to the unsaved. Satan will be hindering, imped- ing and excusing you for not doing the work. When you feel the inclination and desire to win people, that is the leading of the Spirit—when you are seeking for some good reason or excuse for not doing so, that is the devil's work. He that winneth souls is 'wise. Prov. 11:30. • Be wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. Matt. 10:16. Preparation. A Pure Life. The heart must be right with God. Many failures can be attrib- uted to people who seek to serve t he Lord without living a life of fellowship with Him. Every sin must be confessed and
N the first lesson we endeav- ored to show in a clear and concise manner the fact that every believer is called to be a soul winner. If you are not definitely settled, deeply convicted and per-
sonally conscious of this great fundamen- tal fact, do not go on with the study, for it will be merely a professional matter and will not mean anything to you. Go over the first lesson unti lyou can say honestly before the Lord, I am by Virtue of my ac- ceptahce of Jesús Christ as Saviour ánd Lord, made a Servant, a Steward, an am- bassador, a witness, a missionary, a busi- ness, agent, a fisher of men. Suggestions. The work of soul winning is both easy and hard. It is easy in the sense that spiritually it is the natural and normal
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