Back Pain Relief For Runners!
Twin Falls 208.736.2574 TwinFalls-Cheney 208.329.7667 Kimberly 208.423.9999 Jerome 208.944.9277 Wendell 208.944.4003 Burley 208.647.0224 Rupert 208.654.1444 Garden City 208.813.9544 Boise 208.323.9747 Meridian 208.207.5454 Idaho Falls 208.516.1204 Blackfoot 208.684.2444 Shelley 208.782.4744 Rigby 208.228.9959
Didyouknowthat thewayyourun, couldbecausingyourbackpain?Most peoplehavesomething in their styleof running that cancause long term wear and tear. For example, a foot turned-out, a weak abdomen or poor posture contributes to stress on their body. Wright Physical Therapy’s expertsaretrainedtotreat runningdisordersandteachcorrectiverunning techniques. By changing the way you run, it is possible to eliminate and prevent back pain. On a daily basis, you runmore than any other physical activity. Howyou rundefinesalmosteverythingaboutyou, includingyourphysical abilities. Wecanhelpyoudiscover that somethingabout thewayyou run,maybe the reason you have pain and help you change it. You Run Over A Million Steps In A Year Your run involves many body parts, all interacting together to produce your running style. It’s as natural as breathing, and if any of your six (two ankles, two knees, two hips) weight bearing joints are not in good alignment, you’re at risk for structural pain. Oneminor running error repeatedmillions of times can do an incredible amount of damage to your back, muscles, nerves and
“My experience with Wright Physical Therapy has been extremely positive. The staff is very friendly and supportive, while also being very professional. They are very encouraging in the progress I am making,which inspiresmetowant towork harder and to keep progressing. This has instilled inmeamorepositiveattitudeand a confidence that is vital to my recovery. I never leave Wright Physical Therapy without feeling that strong support and positivity, which keeps me progressing and improving.” –David E. AReal 5Star Google Review
joints. This can eventually cause pain and arthritis. Often, the cause of back pain is poor strength -- specifically,weakabdominalmuscles.Thepelvis is heldinplacebynumerousmuscles, includingthe abdominals, hamstrings, glutealsandhipflexors. An imbalanceorweakness inthesemusclescan leadtopelvicmisalignment, causingthepelvis to tilt forward or backward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to a sway back. Inadditiontoabdominalweakness, a lackof strength in the gluteals and hamstrings leads to forward pelvic tilt. Whiletheabdominalsstabilizethepelvisbypullingupward on the front, the gluteals and hamstrings offer stability by pulling down on the rear of the pelvis. Exercises must bedone to strengthenboth the abdominals and gluteals. Running gives the gluteals a good workout. The abdominal muscles can be conditioned through physical therapy and easy weight training exercises. Thephysical therapistsatWrightPhysicalTherapycan help analyze your running style and help get you on a path to being a stronger, and safer, runner. CALL 208.736.2574
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1. Keep up with your physical therapy exercises to relieve pain and prevent further injuries. 2. If your pain doesn’t subside, consult with your therapist about what other things might be causing your pain. 3. Contact Wright Physical Therapy for an appointment. We will guide you so you canget back to the activities you love. Has Your Pain Come Back? Come Back toWright PT!
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