Spinal cord injuries ( SCIs ) are among the most deadly that someone can sustain . The severity and location of the injury on the spinal cord determine its impact — the higher the damage , the more severe and deadly it is l ikely to be . For example , a cervical spinal cord injury is more l i fe - threatening than a lumbar SCI , although both are l i fe - altering injuries . According to the most recent statistics from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center ( NSCISC ) , there are estimated to be between 247 , 000 and 358 , 000 people l iving with SCIs l iving in the United States . There are estimated to be approximately 17 , 700 new cases occurring each year — a number that does not include individuals who die at the location of the incident that resulted in the SCI .
With al l of this in mind , U . S . Senate Resolution 533 recognizes the month of September as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month .
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