Replace the mud guard cone covers and tighten the center screw. Using the square edge of the mud guard as a template, cut a hole in the finished wall.
Remove the mud guard cone cover and install valve trims. (Trims are sold and packaged separately.)
Finished Wall
Scan the QR code to download the cut-out template or contact customer service for a print out at 1-800-460-7019 or email For installation onto a thin wall:
Remove 3 screws and cone covers from mud guard using diagonal or cutting pliers. Remove raised bracket.
Secure the valve onto the thin wall using the two supplied panhead screws.
Cleaning: Integral stops can become plugged by dirt and debris from your water lines. To clean, remove them by unscrewing with a flat head screw - driver in a counter-clockwise direction and pull out with two fingers or pliers. Soak in a 50-50 vinegar/water mix to remove any calcium and mineral build up. A small needle can be used to remove dirt and debris from inside the check valve. If the check valve is damaged or fully plugged it will need to be replaced . Use a flat head screwdriver to push on the round end with some force to remove. (The check valve cannot be reused once removed.) To replace the check valve, with the round end of the new check valve facing the larger hole, located on the opposite side of the color indicator painted on the integral check stop, push the check valve into the integral stop body. If the check valve is installed in the wrong direction it will not allow water to flow through the integral check stop and valve body. Both integral check stops should be fully open while the valve is in use and fully closed while the valve is being serviced.
Integral Check Stop
To Close
Integral Stop
Check Valve
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