Axcess PT. A Healthier, Stronger, More Active You!


1. Limit your sitting. Get up every 30 minutes and walk around at work and home. Prolonged periods of sitting can cause muscles to stiffen up and become weaker. 2. Get out and move. Exercise regularly, even if it’s just walking forashorttimeeveryday. Movingwillhelpkeepyourmuscles loose and will avoid losing their strength. 3. Nutrition + portion control. Keepyour intakeof foodnutritious, atacomfortable level.Fuelingyour body with the correct foods will increase your energy and make it easier to exercise. 4. Drink more water. Water keeps your body systems functioningattheiroptimum levels.

This will also make exercise (and muscle recovery!) much easier. 5. Breathe! Work on your deep breathing techniques to increase oxygen intake and get your lymphatic system moving. 6. Get enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best toget intoaroutinesoyougo to bed and wake up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocrine system, which controls several aspects of your body. 7.Takecareofachesandpains. Don’t letthese long-termproblems linger. Get professional help at Axcess PT.

INCREASING YOUR STRENGTH & FLEXIBILITY It is no secret that strength and flexibility both play important roles in your health. Did you know that there are approximately 642 skeletal muscles in the human body? Your muscles work hard, not only to help you move, but also to support your circulatory and breathing systems. When you become stronger and more flexible, you become healthier overall. Our physical therapists can guide you through proper exercises and specialized treatments in order to relieve your joint and muscle pain, increase your strength and flexibility, and improve your overall health. CONTACT AXCESS PT TODAY! Are you looking for assistance with increasing your health, strength, and physical activity? Our team at Axcess PT would love to help you live your highest quality of life. Contact us today to begin your new chapter toward becoming a healthier you!

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Exercise Essentials

Fun & Games!


Improves Leg Strength










   LUNGE WALK Take a big step forward with your front knee positioned over your toe. Drop the back knee toward the ground. Pull yourself forward using the front leg. Repeat, alternating legs for 8 steps with each leg. Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.       KWWSVXGRNXFRP Qr/HYHO+DUG



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