Welcome to the latest edition of the Northern European AMADA Journal, the Voice of Our Customers. Within this edition, we celebrate the success and skills of our customers and highlight how with the help of AMADA technology, they achieve their goals. The opening of the new AGIC (Amada Global Innovation Centre) is a highlight of 2023, which brings a new concept of support to customers worldwide. If you would like to learn more please visit our website, at



Skillcraft Products AMADA machines get Skillcraft fired-up for business

Mekoprint Mechanics Efficient, green, production


Ensova Racks Innovation in logistics


AMADA AGIC AMADA opens the "Amada Global Innovation Centre"



Teknoware OY AMADA automated combination machine increases production


Industrias Trimar Experts in high quality laser cutting


AMADA Exhibitions Show dates for AMADA UK 2023

AMADA H.Q - Japan


Tronrud Engineering Moss A/S Lean production partnership with AMADA


Q-Laser Ltd AMADA machines help Q-Laser meet growing demand


Welcome to the latest edition of the Northern European AMADA Journal, the Voice of Our Customers.

Within this edition, we celebrate the success and skills of our customers and highlight how with the help of AMADA technology, they achieve their goals. The opening of the new AGIC {Amada Global Innovation Centre) is a highlight of 2023, which brings a new concept of support to customers worldwide.

Apprenticeship Awards Two presitigious awards for AMADA UK


Cysta Group Evolution towards success


If you would like to learn more please visit our website, at

EVI Industries (Stockholm) High efficiency with AMADA automation


Broxap Ltd AMADA technology supports Broxap's sustainability ambitions



Tronrud Engineering Moss A/S has already ordered a TK-EU automated part remover to be used with the VENTIS-AJ adding further agility to their already lean production and taking further advantage of AMADA's LBC technology. This will also improve automatic part removal reliability by widening the cutting beam path. "Without modern technology and a high level of automation, it is not possible to be competitive or to secure skilled staff in Norway." states Dag Aarum.


Sweden EVIIndustries

Higheff icencywithAMADA autom ation

EVI INDUSTRIES is a successful metal working sub-contractor with two production facilties in Sweden, Kungsängen (Stockholm ) and Vaggeryd. Both sites work togetherto provide a com petitive ofering to theircustom ers. “AtEVI,we provide high quality products,and a shortlead tim e from order to delivery. In Stockholm , we have punching, bending, powder coating and assembly processes, whereas in Vaggeryd, we have laser cuting, punching, bending, power press and welding processes. Both ourcom pany structure and m odern m achines are very flexible,alowing us to be com petitive”says M ikaelLundahl, SalesM anager. With both ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditations, the company is commited to investing to both continuously improving their process technologies and working environm ent. As such,the group has recently m ade substantialinvestm ents in both plants.TheirStockholm site recently took delivery ofa second AM ADA EM -ZRT electric punch presswith autom atictoolchangeraswelasautom atic sheetand parthandling. W hilstin Vaggeryd,a new AM ADA VENTIS-AJ fibre laserhas been instaled. In addition,both sites invested in AM ADA’s new HRB press brake,com plete with autom ated toolchanging. The m otivation for these investm ents was to increase production outputthrough m inim ising setup tim e. This high levelofautom ation reflects the com petitive labourm arketin Sweden. Ronny Ericsson, M anaging Director (Stockholm ), explains “Ourgreatestchalenge in the production is to get skiled workers.Autom ated toolchanging helps us with this. Also,since custom ers dem and shorterlead tim es,autom atic toolingsetup,sim plyworksbeterthanastandalonem achine. Forexam ple,we getaround 20% m ore production with the EM -ZRT com pared to ourEM punch withouttoolchanging, despite ourbatch sizes being sm alerin the EM -ZRT line.” Continuing,Ronny added, “M istakes with tooling setup do nothappenwiththenew m achinethankstotheautom atic tool changing and the tool ID system on the punch m achine. The operatorexperience levelneeded forboth m achines is m uch lower.”


The m otivation forEVI’s Vaggeryd laserinvestm entdifered slightly with the focus on reducing costs and expanding capabilties. Benny Ericsson,M anaging Director(Vaggeryd) explains “The reason forinvesting in theAM ADA VENTIS-AJ fibre laserwas thatour4kW CO 2 laserm achine was notfast enough,and the electricalcostswere too high. W e also saw an increase in requests forcuting copper,brass and coated m aterials.These m aterials were notpossible ordificultto process with ourold m achine”. Since the instalation ofthe VENTIS-AJ, m anagem ent and production staf have been im pressed with both it’s speed and ease-of-use,as Benny continued to explain “Its very impressive to bring our custom ersto seethem achineasitisso fast.Thecuting qualityishigherthan beforeand thesetup tim eisshorter since lim ited adjustm entis needed to the cuting data, it’saverygood m achineindeed.” Looking towards the future,both factories continue to m ake im provem ents in their eficiencies, alowing a higher production outputperperson.

Ronny wenton to sum m arise the core benefits ofoperating with autom ated production. “We achieve high eficiency thanks to autom ation,forexam ple,sheethandling,part sorting and autom atic toolsetup. Also,we take away a task thatno one wants to perform and m inim ise scrap com ponentsatthesam etim e.” A need forhigh equipm ent efectiveness has prim arily driven EVI’s choice ofsupplier. “W e have a lotofexperience with AMADA and we knew the m achines are good quality, which gives high reliability. Com paring to other m anufacturers,AM ADA Scandinaviaalso hasagood servicelevelto com plem ent this. Since the AMADA machines are designed for autom ation,ifwe are working corectly,ourpunch m achines wilrun 24 hoursa day,7 daysa week.”

Lorem Ipsum W egetaround 20% m oreproduction w ith autom ated toolchanging -M rEricsson,M anaging Director “

Lorem Ipsum


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