Vision 2025 01 29

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figurent la modernisation des installations, l’intensification des efforts marketing et l’investissement dans de nouveaux produits ou infrastructures numériques. Ces plans SFáÍUFOUVOFDPNNVOBVUÊEBGGBJSFTBNCJ - tieuse et tournée vers l’avenir, prête à bâtir sur ses réussites. Malgré ces tendances positives, des PCTUBDMFTJNQPSUBOUTTVCTJTUFOU-JOáB - tion croissante, l’augmentation des coûts des intrants et les difficultés à recruter du personnel qualifié figurent parmi les défis les plus fréquemment cités, en écho aux préoccupations économiques nationales. 1BSBJMMFVST EFTSÊQPOEBOUTPOUEÊDSJU la gestion de leur trésorerie comme étant adéquate, plutôt que solide, soulignant un besoin d’amélioration en matière de résilience financière. L’emploi reste un point central pour de OPNCSFVTFTFOUSFQSJTFT EFOUSFFMMFT prévoyant d’embaucher du personnel au DPVSTEFMBOOÊFÆWFOJS$FQFOEBOU  POUSFDPOOVSFODPOUSFSEFTEJGàDVMUÊTÆ recruter des employés qualifiés, un défi qui pourrait freiner la croissance de certaines d’entre elles. Le sondage a également mis en lumière le rôle de la SDPR dans le soutien aux

Les entreprises de Prescott et Russell affichent un optimisme marqué quant à leur avenir, selon un récent sondage mené par la Société de développement de Prescott et Russell (SDPR). Ce sondage, qui a recueilli les réponses EF  FOUSFQSJTFT FU FOUSFQSFOFVS F T locaux, offre un aperçu des perspectives économiques, des défis et des opportunités de croissance dans la région. La majorité des répondants proviennent de Casselman et de Clarence-Rockland, SFQSÊTFOUBOUDIBDVOEFTSÊQPOTFT UPUBMFT TVJWJTEF3VTTFMM  FUEF$IBN - QMBJO  $FTFOUSFQSJTFTPOUFYQSJNÊ VOFWJTJPOHÊOÊSBMFNFOUQPTJUJWF BWFD d’entre elles anticipant une croissance des revenus au cours de l’année à venir. Parmi FMMFT TBUUFOEFOUÆEFTBVHNFOUBUJPOT NPEÊSÊFT UBOEJTRVFQSÊWPJFOUEFT gains significatifs. Cet optimisme s’étend également aux projets d’investissement. Un impressionnant EFTFOUSFQSJTFTPOUEÊDMBSÊBWPJSEFT objectifs clairs en matière de réinvestisse- ment et d’expansion. Parmi leurs priorités

Above, PRDC representatives unveiled the organization’s new logo in 2023. The PRDC’s most recent survey gathered responses from 55 businesses and entrepreneurs, and provides an overview of the region’s economic outlook, challenges and opportunities for growth. (File photo)

entreprises de la région. Plus de la moitié des répondants sont des clients actuels ou passés de l’organisme, et beaucoup ont exprimé leur intérêt pour ses services financiers, notamment les marges de crédit et les prêts du Fonds d’investissement. "WFDEFTSÊQPOEBOUTJOEJRVBOUVOF stabilité dans leurs activités, Prescott et

Russell semblent bien placés pour saisir les opportunités de développement écono- mique. Alors que les entreprises prévoient leur croissance et s’adaptent aux défis qui évoluent, la région est en bonne voie pour consolider sa réputation en tant que pôle d’entrepreneuriat et d’innovation.




their social insurance numbers and home addresses. Parents and guardians had their contact details, including phone numbers, email addresses, and places of employment, accessed. Despite the severity of the breach, the UCDSB believes the risk of the stolen data being published or misused is low. To miti- gate potential risks, the Board is offering complimentary credit monitoring to eligible individuals, such as former employees and bursary recipients, and is strongly encouraging those affected to enroll. Credit monitoring provides an effective safeguard against identity theft. Detailed information about the breach, including how specific groups were affec- ted and instructions for accessing credit monitoring services, is available on the UCDSB website. The website also includes a comprehensive FAQ section to address community concerns. In a statement, the UCDSB apologized for the incident and acknowledged its significant JNQBDUPOUIFDPNNVOJUZi8FBSFBXBSFUIBU this incident has affected our community in a direct way, and again, we are sorry for this,” the Board’s update read. “Know that we are also committed to strengthening our cybersecurity program to better protect against future incidents.” The breach has been reported to the Brockville Police Service and the Information BOE1SJWBDZ$PNNJTTJPOFSPG0OUBSJP *1$  8IJMFJOEJWJEVBMTBSFOPUSFRVJSFEUPSFQPSU the incident to the IPC, they have the right to do so if they choose. The UCDSB has pledged to continue pro- viding updates as new information emerges and as the investigation progresses.

The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) has confirmed that a recent cyberattack compromised the personal information of members of its community, including staff, students, and donors. The breach, first disclosed on January   JNQBDUTDVSSFOUBOEGPSNFSTUBGG members, students and their parents or guardians, as well as donors and other payors to the Board office. According to the UCDSB, most affected individuals have already been notified, but the investigation remains ongoing to determine if further notifications are necessary. The process may take some time as the stolen data is thoroughly analyzed. The personal information of employees XIPXPSLFEGPSUIF#PBSECFUXFFOBOE JODMVEFTTPDJBMJOTVSBODFOVNCFST  bank account details, dates of birth, gender, contact information, employee IDs, compen- sation and benefits information, employment IJTUPSZ 0OUBSJP.JOJTUSZ&EVDBUPS/VNCFST (for teachers), and background check details. 'PSDVSSFOUBOEGPSNFSTUVEFOUTGSPN to the present, sensitive information such as dates of birth, gender, addresses, academic SFDPSET 0OUBSJP&EVDBUJPO/VNCFST 0&/  and parent or guardian identity details was exposed. 4UVEFOUTXJUIFYDFQUJPOBMJUJFTGSPN onward had additional sensitive data compro- mised, including medical diagnoses, assess- ments, accommodations, and behavioral records. The breach also affected bursary SFDJQJFOUTGSPNPOXBSE FYQPTJOH

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, which includes St. John Paul II Catholic School and St. Francis Xavier High School in Hammond, was recognized as one of Forbes’ Canada’s Best Employers 2025.


FNQMPZFFTGSPNDPNQBOJFTXJUIBUMFBTU employees. The process includes personal evaluations from employees as well as public assessments from friends, family, and industry peers. The final rankings prioritize personal feedback to ensure the results HFOVJOFMZSFáFDUFNQMPZFFTBUJTGBDUJPOBOE organizational excellence. “Being named one of Forbes' top employers is a significant achievement for $%4#&0 uTBJE-BVSJF$PSSJHBO %JSFDUPSPG &EVDBUJPOi*USFáFDUTPVSFOEVSJOHDPNNJU - ment to faith and hope, especially during this jubilee year proclaimed by Pope Francis under the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope.’ This recognition aligns with our mission to foster hope, faith, and community among our staff and students.” 5IF$%4#&0PQFSBUFTFMFNFOUBSZ BOETFDPOEBSZTDIPPMTBDSPTTFJHIU DPVOUJFT TFSWJOHBQQSPYJNBUFMZ  students. Among these are St. Jude Catholic School, St. Mother Teresa Catho- lic School in Russell, St. Patrick Catholic School in Rockland, and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School in Russell.

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) has been recognized as one of Forbes' Canada’s Best Employers for 2025. This distinction, awarded in collaboration with Statista, celebrates the Board’s dedica- tion to fostering a positive work environment that nurtures talent, celebrates diversity, encourages innovation, and builds a culture rooted in community and faith. i8FBSFJODSFEJCMZIPOPSFEUPCFSFDP - gnized by Forbes as one of the top employers in Canada,” said Chris Cummings, Chair of UIF$%4#&0#PBSEi5IJTBDDPMBEFSFáFDUT our commitment to creating a supportive BOEJODMVTJWFFOWJSPONFOU0VSGBJUICBTFE approach and strong sense of community are at the core of everything we do. This award is a testament to the incredible contributions of our staff and the exceptional leadership that continually drives us toward excellence.” 5IF$%4#&0SBOLFEBNPOHUIFUPQ organizations in the education sector. Forbes and Statista identify Canada’s #FTU&NQMPZFSTCZTVSWFZJOHPWFS 

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