6DWXUGD\)HEUXDU\WK Alphonse-Carrière Center
FREE event for seniors at the residence. Warm cider and desserts will be served, and there will be PRIZES. BINGO :HGQHVGD\)UHEUXDU\WK 2 PM - 4PM
HORSE SLEIGH RIDE 12 PM - 3 PM |Free Offered by Hammond Optimist Club, Caisse Desjardind, Knights of Colombus and City ofClarence-Rockland Axe throwing competition $5.00 per person FREE * Face painting | Skating | Hot Chocolate &DQWLQHZLOOEHRSHQ&DVKRQO\ FOLKLORE DAY Amateur LumberJack competition for all ages $2.00 per person 11 AM - 3 PM | On-site registration 80’S RETRO NIGHT LIVE BAND AND DJ 8PM - Midnight|Hammond Golf Put on your 80'S costume! Tickets $25.00 PURCHASE ON EVENTBRITE Includes door prizes to win! P f PURCHASE ON rizes to win! 6XQGD\)HEUXDU\WK 9 AM|Saint-Mathieu Parish SUNDAY MASS OPTIMIST BRUNCH 10 AM to 12 PM $10 adult / $5 children 12 yrs and under Alphonse Carrière Centre 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Come watch some arm wrestling demonstrations. ARM WRESTLING DEMO 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM| École Saint-Mathieu 5.00 per participant (12 years and over) On-site registration, prizes to win VOLLEY-BALL
Music and free hot chocolat FREE SKATING 7 PM - 8 : 30 PM 7KXUVGD\)HEUXDU\WK
Thank you to our sponsors for helping us create magical events for our community!
Free skating, snacks and bar ($) Partnership with Mallity Estate KARAOKE NIGHT 7 PM - 11 PM | Alphonse Carrière Center $12.00 adults $6.00 children 12 years under LASAGNA SUPPER 5 PM - 7 PM | ÉÉC Saint-Mathieu Free event for all students Courtesy of Optimist Club, Caisse Desjardins, Hammond Knights of Columbus and ViceVersa @Patrimoinecdn SAM )ULGD\)HEUXDU\WK 1 PM - 2 PM | École Saint-Mathieu ent for all students sy of Optimist Club, Caisse dins, Hammond Knights of Columbus eVersa @Patrimoinecdn M D\)HEUXDU\WK - 2 PM | École Saint-Mathieu
Scan the QR code to visit our Facebook page for more details and for any updates on the planned events. facebook.com/hammond.cluboptimist
Join our team and help us keep the wheel turning for our community’s children. Call 343-575-8722 or visit switzer-carty.com
François et Charles Brazeau • 613 487-3954 www.brazeausanitation.com • brazeausanitation@gmail.com
Émile Prud’homme Insulation Supply LTD . Yvon Prud’homme
Bon Carnaval! Happy Carnival!
Kyle Cyr Conseiller Quartier 1 / Councillor Ward 1
Tél. 613-487-1889 • Fax. 613-487-3180 2613, ch. Joanisse, Hammond, ON, K0A 2A0 • www.prudhommeinsulation.com
1891, ch. Russell Rd., Bourget ON K0A 1E0 613 880-4970 613 487-4171 jbmobile@bellnet.ca Joe Bartuccio
Joe Bartuccio, propriétaire / owner 1891, chemin Russell Rd., Bourget, ON 613-880-4970
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