2025 Range & Pasture Far West Steward Magazine - v1

6 Tips for Effective Weed Control Get the best return on your pasture weed control investment. Herbicides work best when used correctly. To get the best return on investment from your pasture weed spraying, experts with Corteva Agriscience offer six tips. 1 Identify the Weed Problem. Your best choice of herbicides, application rates and timing vary by target weed species and whether you have nontarget white clover. For broadleaf weed control, HighNoon® herbicide is the product of choice. It controls more than 140 broadleaf weed species and provides soil residual activity to control new germinations for several weeks after application. But HighNoon also controls several legumes that might be desirable in a pasture. In areas where white clover and annual lespedeza are wanted, NovaGraz™ herbicide preserves those species – and all their benefits. As a nonresidual herbicide, NovaGraz is an excellent choice where extended weed control is not desired. 2 Use a Calibrated Sprayer or a Professional Applicator. Proper calibration avoids both the waste and expense of overapplication, and it prevents reduced control from underapplication. Get your money’s worth. Don’t guess. Calibrate. 3 Spray at the Right Time With the Right Rate. Annual weeds in pastures are generally most susceptible early in the season when they’re small and actively growing and when soil moisture is adequate. Using HighNoon will provide longer soil residual activity than any other pasture herbicide and will control weeds that germinate for several weeks after spraying. After that, competition and soil shading from a healthy grass cover often provide season-long control.




Photos 01) Buckbrush 02) Big Mountain Sage 03) Mesquite 04) Curlycup Gumweed 05) Giant Ragweed 06) Wormwood 07) Salt Cedar


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