HENBIT > This winter annual can be identified by its square stem and purple or pink flowers. Circular or heart-shaped leaves can be up to 5 inches long with rounded “teeth” at the edges. In crop-growing regions, controlling winter annuals is especially important, because they often serve as host plants for overwintering insect pests. Treatment > Apply 16 to 20 fluid ounces of HighNoon® herbicide per acre. Apply after fall germination, through late winter. LEAFY SPURGE > This deep-rooted perennial can quickly become established and crowd out desirable vegetation, making prevention and early treatment the most effective courses of action. Leafy spurge can be identified by its smooth, clustered stems, narrow leaves, with flowers enclosed by heart-shaped bracts. Treatment > Apply GrazonPD3™ at 1.2 to 2.5 quarts per acre broadcast by ground or air; apply at the true flower stage or during fall regrowth. Or, apply 2 pints of Tordon® 22K herbicide per acre or tank mix of 1.5 to 2 pints of Tordon 22K plus 1 quart of 2,4-D amine per acre. Apply at the true flower growth stage or during fall regrowth. Reapply Tordon 22K when level of control drops below 80%. MILKWEED > Milkweed has been identified by several Corteva Agriscience Range & Pasture Specialists as a weed of increasing significance. And while milkweed is generally unpalatable to most livestock, its toxicity makes it a weed worth watching out for. Treatment > Apply GrazonPD3 herbicide at 2⅔ pints per acre to actively growing milkweed less than 4 inches tall.
Don’t see your weeds on the list? No worries. Take a look at our Range & Pasture Western Rangeland Weed ID Guide to find your problem weeds and then reach out to your Corteva Agriscience Range & Pasture Specialist to develop a plan of attack.
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