King's Business - 1962-11




Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles "The unique method of C. S. .Lovett was the most effective thrust in getting our people to witness for Christ that has been offered in my tenure of ministry at the Church of the Open Door. We are seeing the results!"


Dr. Gene Miller Williams, Southern Baptist Conven­ tion "I use this method to prepare churches and workers before e v e r y campaign. M a n y souls have come to Cnrist as a result of this wonderful plan!"


Dr. Z. P. Carles, Director, Spanish Christian Mission, Toronto, Canada "Your book has completely changed my outlook on. evan­ gelism. Our mission is bring­ ing souls to Christ with this plan."


The Author C. S. Lovett, one of the greatest au­ thorities in the field of personal evangelism has been remarkably conditioned to express deep Bible truths in useful and practical language. While a successful building contractor, he responded to God's call to study for the ministry. Graduating magna cum laude, he became Air Force Chaplain, practising psychologist, and pastor. In personal con­ tacts alone, he has won more than 3,000 to Christ.

Mr. Walter Hanson, Sacramento, Calif. Real Estate Man "I praise God for bringing this plan into my life. I am winning souls myself and teaching others. The Lord is raising up soul-win­ ners everywhere with this meth­ od."

This book stands alone! The result of 12 years of person to person experiences. Shows you how to win souls to Christ. Pictures actual soul-winning interview, including dialogue. G i v e s specific techniques. * Guarantees earnest Christians genuine results for Christ. • Price $1.00 postpaid. Mention this ad and a copy of "Step Up To Maturity" will be included at no extra cost. YOU CAN BE A SOUL -W INNER ! .


Baldwin Park, California □ Yes, I want your practical 80 page book, "Sou l-W in n in g M ade Easy." M y dollar is enclosed. Thank you for including a FREE copy of "Step Up to M atu rity," which can give victory and boldness. □ I want further information. Please send me a free copy of your quarter­ ly publication, "Personal Christianity." □ I am Interested in visitation and other books in the E A S Y SERIES. Name Address City Zone ....... State (to avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 43)

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Glancing at the windows of homes in our neighborhood, we do not see the empti- ,4» ness and spiritual void which is the lot of so many families. It lies within our power to give to such families, at this coming Christmas season, a gift which could well result in their acceptance of the Supreme Gift — God's Only Begotten Sen.

The value of a gift cannot bo measured by the amount of money one spends. One of the finest remembrances is a publication which, twelve months out of the year, brings vital .truth and practical daily application to the lives of each member of the heusehold.


First of all, God awakens our hearts to the need. We see the people next door, our neighbors down the street, relatives in distant cities. They may all be fine, moral people, yet without a knowledge of Jesus Christ . . . LOST! Your own home has been a testimony to them. Doubtless you have tried to speak of the Saviour in various ways. Yet you feel the urgent need to do some­ thing more, yearning to see them won to the Lord. There is a simple method by which they can be reached with the Gospel.

At the Christmas season, publishers urge us to let friends and relatives know of our love by giving magazine subscriptions. This is a practical thought because our remem­ brance enters the home every month of the year. THE KING'S BUSINESS, however, is far more than just a token of our thought­ fulness. For more than a half-century, our total editorial purpose has been to strength­ en the spiritual battlements of the home. A publication which will do this fulfills a double purpose in spiritual giving.

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covers like this introduce Christian Truth to your Loved Ones

PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS As soonaswereceive the order blank attached, our staff wil prepare a beautiful Christmas card to send to eachone whom you indicate. Signed with your name, it will stand out among the other cards received at Christmas announcing your thoughtfulness for the months to come. mu* h a n d y o r d o r f o r i n t

"FOR CHRISTMAS, I W A N T . . A Children are not the only ones who know what they would like for Christmas. We older ones, too, forget that Christmas is the day set aside to commemorate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. How fitting then that we give Him gifts of our love. And what better presentation than those who havebeen won to Christ. But how will we reach them? One ofthe great tools for evangelism today isthe printed page. Select a half-dozen or more people whom you love and whom you want to remember in some way this Christmas — Christians and non-Christians.

Send them a year's subscription to the beautiful KING’S BUSINESS. Let this trusted, half-century old, dedicated publication reach them with practical, stimulating help throughout the twelve months ahead. Next Christmas may forever betoo late. Signs point to the nearness of the Lord's return. We must do all we can to reach men and women for Christ. The froth of what the world hasto offer wrapped in tinsel and ribbon is not the answer. Give them the meat of the Word of God which is able to make onewise unto salvation, and to build up the saints in the most holy faith!

use handy en velop e fo r rapid se rv ice on y ou r o rd er


by sending a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS. Then, so often, we tend to forget our missionaries, except for a hurried prayer. Out on the front lines of Satan’s dominion their struggles are intensified. How refreshing to hear from home every month, and to know of your thoughtfulness during the coming year. (Their subscription will follow them home should they leave on furlough.)

We do not suggest you give THE KING’S BUSINESS to every­ one on your list! But . . . as you write your order, think of those to whom you have already spoken a word for Christ— those to whom you want to have a continuing testimony. Also, don’t over­ look young married couples. Perhaps there have beensome you have wanted to remember with a wedding present or shower gift. What better way to help them in their spiritual growth than


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T i n e K i n g ©

N EW R E C O R D IN G ! 18 F a v o r i t e H y m n s by the famous voices of the Mennonite Hour Choral Groups

E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Louis T. Talbot Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland

Ray A. Myers


Chairman of the Board

NOVEMBER, in the year of our Saviour

Volume 53

Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two

Number 11

Dedicated to the spiritual developm ent of the Christian hom e

M m IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS — Joyce Landorf ............................ 14 TH ANK FU L .............................. 15 TH E BIBLICAL BASIS FOR THANKSG IV ING — William Ward Ayer 16 I'VE NEVER SEEN A N UGLY FACE — Dick Hillis ............................ 17 SATAN AND TH E TW IS TING OF TH E HUMAN PERSONALITY — Maurice E. Wagner ............................................................ 18 DEMONS — Rene Pache ............................i............................................... 20 HOW TO TURN YOUR CHILD IN TO A CROOK .............................. 22 TH E PROBLEM OF LONELINESS — Jeannette Acrea .................. 23 SIGNS OF CHRIST'S RETURN — Charles J. Woodbridge .................. 24 M AR AN A TH A — Paul W . Rood ............................................................ 26 GOD'S FA ITHFUL SA IN T: A N N A M. DENNIS — Betty Bruechert .. 45 LIFE'S GREATEST LESSON — Gordon Chilvers ................................. 46 BOMB SHELTERS FOR CHILDREN — Betty Bruechert .................. 50 SNAKE STORIES — Elijah Bingham .................................................... 51 GOSPEL RECORDS ARE GIVEN "SUPREME" SOUND ....................... 54 Feahim A MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ............. 12 TH E CHR ISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson Dilworth ............................ 28 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................... 33 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot .......................... 34 TA LK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .......................................... 36 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 37 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ......................................................... 38 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .......................... 39 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................... 40 TH E CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............................................. 48 UNDER TH E PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ..................... 49 ALUMN I NEWS — Inez McGahey ......................................................... 53 Colurau PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ......................................................... 6 READER REACTION ................................................................ 8 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ............................................................ 35 TOWN A N D CAMPUS ........................................................... 52 — All Rights Reserved —


$3.98 Regular I f selected from a nation-wide survey by the Mennonite Hour including . . . 1. How Great Thou A rt 2. O ld Rugged Cross $4.98 Stereo/Postpaid

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C H R IS TM A S CAROS (see page 57)

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor B ETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JEANNE SHARP: Advertising Manager

V IRGIN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith

=RS and STUDEN TS övtra inspiration that ke your Bible r j t Bible, your ‘}uaIteny’ ; Commentary. sundQy.schoo, 1 Leavitt, ^ongrltulations t° 8 f says, improvements H L t w T - 1 g & S iB S t t » » - “ ! only $2.95 ur Christidn Bookstore, or ^ ■

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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $ 1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 Se. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.


( Û John Bolten, Sr., president of The Sunday School Times Foundation, has recently made the following an­ nouncement: “We announced a plan for the association of The Sunday- School Times and Eternity magazine under one board of directors. How­ ever, there are always far-reaching legal and practical problems in the merging of two non-profit organiza­ tions, and The Sunday School Times Foundation and The Evangelical Foundation were no exceptions to the rule. Therefore, although the bene­ fits and advantages to the organiza­ tions still exist, it has been decided not to proceed further with our nego­ tiations.” Sam Postlewaite is the new art de­ partment manager for Scripture Press, leading independent publisher of Mr. Postelwaite has had consider­ able experience as art production man­ ager and director for several well- known Chicago advertising firms. Mrs. Walter L. Wilson, wife of the be­ loved Bible teacher, went into the presence of the Lord September 25 following a brief illness. All eight of the children were home, which brought a real comfort to Dr. Wilson who, himself, has been suffering from heart trouble. Mr. Walter W . Scott has been ap­ pointed to the newly-created post of Executive Vice-President of The American Sunday School Union, pio­ neer rural missionary organization. Mr. Scott’s main task will be the overseeing and administration of the work of the several departments of the Union. Dr. S. A. Witmer, executive director of the Accrediting Association of Bi­ ble Colleges, died September 11 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. An outstanding authority in the field of Christian higher education, Dr. Witmer had served as a leader of the AABC since its very beginning. Dr. Witmer had been connected with Fort Wayne Bi­ ble College for a total of 28 years as a student, instructor, dean and pres­ Sunday school ma- tenais. He will be responsible to the Production Divi­ sion Director for providing art serv­ ices and maintain­ ing high stand­ ards of art quali­ ty for the firm. Mr. Postelwaite T J

ident. He was the author of three books, the latest of which, The Bible College Story , was published early this year. Dr. Walter L. Penner, director of the Southwest Region of the National As­

sociation of Evan­ gelicals and execu­ tive director of the Evangelical Wel­ fare Agency, died in Whittier, Calif­ ornia on Septem­ ber 23. Dr. Penner was the founder of EWA 31/2 years ago. The EWA, li­ censed by the Cal­

Do children play tic-tac-toe on your church bulletins?

Dr. Penner

ifornia State Department of Social Welfare, is engaged in placing chil­ dren into Christian adoptive homes and in offering professional help to the natural parents of these children. Rev. Irving E. Penberthy, Fresno pas­ tor, gets ready to turn the switch on Radio Station KIRV’s 500-watt trans­ mitter, thus inaugurating the new station’s daytime programming for the Fresno area. Rev. Mr. Penberthy,

Turn disinterest

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who has broadcast for many years over other Fresno outlets, is sole own­ er of the facility which offers variety programming for the Christian home. Roger Larson, former broadcast consul­ tant for Campus Crusades for Christ, is general manager. Tom Watson, Jr., founder and direc­ tor of TEAM’S 50,000 watt radio sta­ tion HLKX in Korea, has been ap­ pointed Radio Secretary of The Evan­ gelical Alliance Mission. TEAM’S growing radio ministry includes radio stations in Korea, the Netherlands Antilles, and Peru. Recording studios and purchased broadcasting time in several other countries make it pos­ sible for 38,000 gospel programs to be aired annually on the foreign fields by this Mission.

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“I am as thoroughly sold on a departmentally g raded children’s church program as on a departmentally g raded Sunday School. Each age child needs a meaningful worship time on his own level and a challenge for serv­ ice. And adults need in their own service an opportunity for greater con­ centration on deeper truths from G o d ’s W o rd .” Only SCR IPTUREPRESS _

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Church-time for 2’s and 3’s . . . has been expanded in Scripture Press’ famous “Debby and Dan” Nursery course for January, 1963, and will be even more a full-fledged course in April . . . with individual and group activities, songs written to order, handcraft, visuals, finger plays, and motion rhymes. This pro­ gram is correlated with each Debby and Dan Bible story and theme, but is flexible enough to suit users of any other Sunday School curriculums. Train 4’s and 5’s at their spiritual, mental, and physi­ cal level with this planned two-year program. Simple yet significant worship services emphasize: teaching from God’s Word; building on pupils’ natural abilities and interests; and participation by individual pupils. Planned periods of alternating active and quiet times provide 1 to l l/> hours of real learning and training. Teach children Christ-honoring worship habits with this planned three-year program. NOW, Primaries can participate in worship services slanted to their level of understanding. Adult-super- vised sessions focus on these highlights: becoming a member of God’s family; discovering truths in God’s Word; and learning through missionary education, that Christians should tell others of the Lord. Prepare Juniors for participation and leadership in Adult Church Worship Services. Teach boys and girls the meaning of true worship ■ .. prepare them for active church leadership through planning and conducting ( under adult direction ) wor­ ship services slanted toward their level of spiritual understanding. Most weekly programs are composed of four major segments which may be adjusted to fit 45-minute to l}^-hour time schedules.




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Don't Miss Th is Book of the Hour WHEN GOG'S ARMIES MEET THE ALMIGHTY By Dr. David L. Cooper An exposition of Ezekiel 38 and39. This presentation is a study of the nextgreat event on God's program for the Ages. Will He permit Russia to precipitate a nuclear holocaust, or will He overrule the destinies of

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GIFT SUBSCRIPTION Sometime ago my sister and I received notice that a gift subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS had been given to us by “A Friend,” and we have been receiv­ ing the magazine regularly since then. We want to thank you and the friend for this generous gift—one that brings much blessing. Marian Bishop Bower, Suma Ku, Kobe, Japan POSITION OF FUNDAMENTALISM I am writing to express my apprecia­ tion for your excellent editorials in THE KING’S BUSINESS. They are informa­ tive, articulate, concise and faithfully state our position as Fundamentalists. I am not ashamed to be classed and identified among that despised group. Quite some time ago I attended a meet­ ing in which the speaker was (at that time), editor of THE CHRISTIAN CEN­ TURY. During the course of his forgotten message was one expression which remains with me: “ wooden headed Fundamental­ ists.” By contrast, I remember a message delivered by William L. Pettingill more than thirty-five years ago; the very words he used remain vividly in my memory as he faithfully declared the immutable truths of God’s Holy Word. “ There were giants in the earth in those days.” Giants, spiritual giants, as compared with the Casper Milquetoast modernists of our day with their little sermonettes which offend not the self righteous religionists nor awaken sinners to the doom which awaits them. Such men as Henry Ostrom, E. J. Pace, Arno Caebelein, George McNeeley, Henry Walton, Ford C. Ottman, William Petting- gill, R. E. Neighbor, Harris Gregg, James M. Gray, T. C. Horton, Keith Brooks, Isaac Page, and others of like stature faithfully proclaimed the Word without apology; I thank the Lord that the breed is not extinct, albeit somewhat reduced. Your editorials are like a refreshing breeze in the sweltering oppressive atmosphere of “ neo-orthodoxy” and the “ new” evan- gelicism. Our prayers are with you, thank God for His truth and the remaining few who will “ earnestly contend.” Paul H. Wilson, (A "wooden-headed fundamen­ talist), Orlando, Florida SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONTROVERSY Of all the comments I have read on the controversy within the Southern Bap­ tist Convention, Dr. Sutherland’s editorial is by far the most searching and to the point that I have read. I always share these with a former Pastor. Mrs. D. Lyons, Hackensack, New Jersey

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65. Decade of Deci­ s io n -M u sic from Billy Graham’s film classics featuring Georgia Lee, Redd H a rp e r, Ethel Waters, Frank Boggs. 12

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Select any five albums on this page— regular high fidelity or stereo— for only $2.67! Yes! Now, at sub­ stantial savings, you can enjoy many wonderful hours of listening pleasure and spiritual refreshment. Think what thesealbums of praise, prayer, faith and inspira­ tion can mean to your entire family! Your choice of inspirational hymns, gospel songs, spirituals and other well-loved sacred music. Recordings by your favorite vocalistsandsinginggroups. Beautiful organ musicand full orchestrations. Avisit, inyourown home, withsuch dedicated Christian artists as The White Sisters, Ethel Waters, Paul Mickelson, The Haven of RestQuartet, Frank Boggs, Bill Pearceand DickAnthony, The Korean Orphan Choir, and many more! This special offer alsoentitles you to membership in Word Records' Family RecordClub, with all its wonderful advantages. By joining, you get your choice of inspira­ tional records announced in the FREE monthly Club digest. There are more FREE bonus albums coming, too. But you must act now! Mail the money-saving coupon,today! SEND NO MONEY. Just tell uswhich 5albums you

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32. Songs From The Word — Bill Carle with Kurt Kaiser’s Orchestra: How Great Thou Art, How Big Is God, Nazareth, Day By Day, The Ninety and Nine, 6 more.

51. B e y o n d t h e River — Melody Four Quartet: I've a Home Be­ yond the River, Coming Again, Still of the Night, Peace in the Valley, When I’m With Him, 7 others.

6 9 . S e v e n Last W ords— The Oratorio Singers. One of the great­ est of Christian classics. Three famed solo artists, backed by a truly out­ standing vocal group.

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want, by number. When they arrive, you'll bebilled for only $2.67 (plus asmall handling and postagecharge). If you’re not delighted with your recordings, return themwithin 10days and you owe usnothing! FILL IN, DETACH AND MAIL THIS MONEY­ SAVING COUPON!

I j irntorti« CMWU mhm » 77. Hymns of Com­ forting Peace— Lew Charles at the Robert- Morton Pipe Organ: Lead On 0 King Eternal, Just When I Need Him Most, I Know a Name, plus 7.

F AM IL Y R E C O R D C L U B / W ACO , T E X A S Please enroll me in the Family Record Club and send me the 5 albums listed below. I understand I will be billed $2.6/ plus a small handling and postage charge for these records (retail value up to $24.90!). I'll buy an additional 5 albums of my choice (more than one hundred to choose from) during the next 12 months at the regular low retail price. ($3.98 for High Fidelity, $4.98 for Stereo, plus handling and postage charge.) I know that after I buy the 5 selections, I am entitled to a free album for each two that I purchase through the Club. PLEASE SEND ME THE I FOLLOWING 5 ALBUMS: |______ (list by number) NAME___________________________

41. A Joyful Sound — Children's Choir. De­ lightful songs for chil­ dren. Includes Sunday School favorites ana songs for Christm as, Palm Sunday and Easter.

81. A F e s tiv a l Of Praise — The Moojly Chorale: Motet, Prayer to Jesus, Blessed Assurance, Jesu Priceless Treasure, He’s Got the Whole World, 6 others.

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Enroll me in the: LJ STEREO DIVISION Regular long playing (33 1/3 RPM) players use High Fidelity albums. Stereo players use either. Canadian Address: Box 2228, Vancouver, B.C. (Canadian prices are slightly higher.) LJ REGULAR High Fidelity

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29. Cavalcade of Word Artists— 17 of your all-time favorite Christian artists and mu­ sical groups with musical messages of faith, taken from recent albums.

40. Moments of In­ spiration— Bill Mann, Lyric Tenor: Above the Hills of Time, Stranger of Galilee, Only a Touch, Just for Today, Blessed Assurance, 7 more.




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Plan Folks Everywher AreTalking About NO SALESMANWILL CALL! DIRECT-BY-MAIL TOYOU! COMPARE THESE GUARANTEED BENEFITS: NO AGE LIMIT. Same liberal benefits whether you are 1 or 100!

SEND NO MONEY! We will mail your policy for your FREE EXAM INATION

GUARANTEED RENEWABLE. Only YOU can cancel your policy. Your protection continues as long as you live! NO WAITING PERIODS. Full benefits go into effect noon of the clay your policy is issued. And Gold Star pays from the very first day you enter the hospital. NO SALESMAN WILL CALL. Policy is mailed to your home. Claim checks are sent air mail special delivery, directly to you, and can be used for rent, food, hospital, doctor bills—any purpose you wish! GOOD ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Gold Star has satisfied policyholders in all 50 states and in many for­ eign countries. YOU PAY ONLY FOR PROTECTION. No policy fees; no enrollment fees; no membership dues!

N o salesman will call. In the privacy of your own home, read the policy carefully. Have it checked by your lawyer, your doctor, your friends or some trusted advisor. Make sure it provides exactly what we’ve told you it does. Then when you have

convinced yourself, beyond any doubts, that this policy is every­ thing we’ve claimed for it . . . mail us your first premium. You have everything to gain and noth­ ing to lose, by mailing your application immediately!

APPLICATION FOR (■oldStarTotal Abstainers’ HospitalizationPolicy Name (Please Print). Street or RD#_____ City___________ _ Jone.

0 -1 -4 6 0 1 -1 1 2


Date of Birth: Month. My occupation is ___ My beneficiary is ___

_Day_ .Year.





I also hereby apply for coverage for the members of my family listed below:

ADDITIONAL GOLD STAR BENEFITS Pays $2000.00 cash for accidental death. Pays $2000.00 cash for accidental b ss of one hand, or one foot, or sight of one eye. Pays $6000.00 cash for accidental loss of both hands, or both feet, or sight of both eyes.


NAME (Please Print)



Every kind of sickness and acci­ dent is covered, except hospitali­ zation caused by use of alcoholic beverages or narcotics, preexist­ ing conditions, mental or nerv­ ous disorders, any act of war, or pregnancy. Everything else IS covered!




4. To the best of your knowledge and belief, have you or any person listed above ever had high or low blood pressure, heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, arthritis or tuberculosis or have you or they, within the last five years, been disabled by either accident or illness, had medical advice or treatment, taken medication for any condition, or been advised to have a surgical operation? □ Yes □ No If so, give details stating person affected, cause, date, name and address of attending physician and whether fully recovered:_____________________________________ ;_______ Neither I nor any other person listed above uses alcoholic beverages, and I hereby do apply for a policy with the understanding that the policy will not cover any conditions existing prior to the issue date, and that it shall be issued solely and entirely in reliance upon the written answers to the above questions. Date: ................................. Signed: j f ........................................................................................ FormOS 713-3 HERE MONTHLY

Happy Policyholders Write: John M. Vorhies, San Francisco, California "It is with pleasure that I recommend De Moss Associates to my friends. I was a member of the Gold Star less than two years, and for the first time in my 85 years was hos­ pitalized. Payment for the nineteen days received by air mail special delivery. Thanks for such great service." Miss Inez Underhill, Castle Rock, Washington "I consider it a privilege to be insured by your company. You have been so thoughtful and eager to send this check to me. May I thank you, too, for the extra service of air mail and special delivery. Til do all I can to tell of your wonderful co-operation." Jack M. Hendrickson, Austin, Texas "W e really appreciate getting your claim today by air mail special deliyery. We know of no other insurance company that sends its check in this wonderful manner. Thank you." Miss Helen Griggs, Ceres, California "Your service couldn't be better. Your check was mailed in Pennsylvania on July 25. I received the same by two p.m. July 26 in California via Special Delivery Air Mail. Thank you very much for your promptness and dependability in handling my second claim. I can heartily recommend your Gold Star Policy to my friends." Rev. J. Elwin Zuch, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania "Thank God for the Gold Star Hospitalization Policy I hold with De Moss Associates. Just to know that my claim would be handled by Christians gave me a sense of security at the time when I needed it the most. Your disposition of my claim more than justified my expectations."

THE GOLD STAR PLAN is underwritten by the following leading com­ panies, (depending upon your state of residence): Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company Chicago, III.


* 4 . $ 6 .

Each person age 0-49 pays

Each adult age 50-69 pays

National Liberty Lift Insuranco Company King of Prussia, Pa. Old Security Life Insuranco Company Kansas City, Mo.

Each adult age 70 and over pays




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a message from the editor ^

“ I appreciate STONY BROOK'S Student Achievement” says Richard Hillyer Woodbury, New Jersey The academic program of Stony Brook is arranged to stimulate and help a boy achieve the highest scholastic rating of which he is capable. The School belongs to the Educa­ tional Records Bureau and makes regular use of its intelligence and objective tests. Various scholastic prizes and membership in the Cum Laude Society, the honorary pre­ paratory-school scholastic society, furnish mcentives. Stony Brook carefully plans to help each student improve his weaker sub­ jects without holding back the stronger mem­ bers of the class, through the use of ability sectioning and regular extra-help sessions. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout tbe entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aims at a harmony of ■ purpose. By intelligent applica- 4 tion of this Christian program, in | both administration and teach- ing, Stony Brook is making a dis- tinctive contribution to American



“D r. Samuel “iff. SutietUaud ‘Pieeidtut, TUlc ‘S iile 'institute etf -dtxt ^4n^elee,

(( WHAT IS MODERNISM? ft A part o f the rich heritage which the great reformers gave to Protestantism has been the glorious privilege o f having the open Bible available to every Christian. Taken out o f the cloistered mon- astaries where it was read and interpreted exclusively by the clergy, it reached the laity — the common people. The reformers believed that if the W ord could get into their homes and hearts it o f itself would be "qu ick and powerful” enough to direct the Christian in the way that he should go and make his testimony to the saving and keeping power o f the Lord Jesus Christ effective in the lives o f those with whom he came in contact. And , thank God, this was true. During the centuries which have followed the Reformation period the Bible has become an increasingly major factor in the life and discipline o f the people living in those countries where the W ord of God has been allowed to be sold and read without fear o f molesta­ tion. However, Satan was not about to give up so easily his hold upon the minds o f men. Over the years he has used various and devious means to bore both from within and without the church o f Jesus Christ in his effort to destroy, or at least weaken, this great bulwark o f the Christian church, namely, belief in the Ho ly Bible as the Word o f God and the only infallible rule o f faith and practice. His method has been to work not on the masses, but rather on the spir­ itual leaders. To accomplish this, it was necessary for him to reach the very fountainheads o f theological thought in order to train an unbelieving corps o f religious leaders who, in turn, would teach others also their own unbeliefs. Quite successfully this has been accomplished in the majority o f the theological seminaries o f every one o f our major Protestant denominations. In recent years this unbelief has been called by various names and may be found in vary­ ing degrees, but essentially it is one and the same thing: namely, a denial o f the complete authority o f the W ord o f God. The Bible must stand or fall as a unit. I f one is allowed to elim­ inate any one portion o f the Bible, some one else may eliminate another, and before long every part o f the Bible is eliminated by one or other and so it ceases to be the norm or the standard o f belief or o f conduct. This unbelief is best expressed by the word modern­ ism , a diabolically clever word because, quite naturally, everyone wishes to be considered up-to-date in his thinking — not antiquated or reactionary. Modernism cannot be designated as a system for there

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is no particular system connected with it. A modernist is not known for what he believes so much as for what he does not believe. For instance, first o f all, he does not believe in the verbal, plenary ( fu l l) , inspiration o f the Bible. And because he does not believe in the inspiration or supernatural revelation given by God to men, he de­ nies all supernatural accounts in the Bible: (1 ) the virgin birth o f Christ, (2 ) the miracles o f the Bible, both Old and New Testament, (3 ) the atoning death o f the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, (4 ) the bodily resurrection o f Jesus Christ, (5 ) the second coming o f our Lord and His glorious millennial reign upon the earth, (6 ) the new birth o f the believer which is a supernatural work accom­ plished as a result o f His death upon the cross, (7 ) the personality o f the Holy Spirit. Some even go so far as to deny the personality o f Satan and the reality o f hell. Still others hold that certain books o f the Old Testament or N ew Testament canons are not inspired. Actually, there are as many shades o f modernism as there are shades o f gray. But even as any shade o f gray has a certain amount o f black mixed with pure white, so the shades o f modernism have varying amounts o f the blackness o f unbelief mixed with the pure white o f God’s truth and God’s revelation to mankind. Strangely enough, the major damage in the Christian church today is not being accomplished by modernists. Instead, the devil is using for his pur­ poses the rather disgustingly soft attitude on the part o f real Bible- believing Christians, both clergy and laity, toward these doctrinal defectors. They do this by fellowshipping with them and harboring them within the fold, allowing them to be heard and to have a part in evangelical circles. Years ago, the modernists labeled those who were endeavoring to hold the line in connection with evangelical doctrines, beliefs and practices "heresy hunters” . This term has come to have a very odious meaning. The tragedy is that in order to avoid being thus denom­ inated, all too many individuals refuse to acknowledge heresy even when it is staring them right in the face. But our Lord Jesus Christ Himself has given us the rather effective example o f heresy hunting. He hunted out and exposed the heretics o f His day, namely the Phar­ isees and those who consorted with them. W e read His "woes” against the Pharisees as recorded in the twenty-second chapter o f Matthew’s Gospel account. Indeed, the Apostle Paul, too, was a rather effective heresy hunter. As one reads Paul’s epistles, he observes that nearly every one corrects some heresy and denounces some heretics who were found in the early church. Under the inspiration o f the Holy Spirit, Paul exposed them and warned the people o f the church against them and their heretical views. And from Paul’s day to the present, the degree to which the fact that there were those willing and courageous enough to be called "heresy hunters” . They held to the truth o f God’s W ord even above personal friendships or the relatively easy manner o f life which "lives and lets live” . . . the line o f least resistance. Today our prayer should be that the Lord will raise up a generation o f staunch believers who are willing and ready and able to expose heresy wherever it appears and that God will also awaken the laity to the devilish dangers o f modernism and unbelief in whatever form it may appear and stand, once again, for the eternal truth as it has been revealed in the entire inspired Word o f God.


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