Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles "The unique method of C. S. .Lovett was the most effective thrust in getting our people to witness for Christ that has been offered in my tenure of ministry at the Church of the Open Door. We are seeing the results!"
Dr. Gene Miller Williams, Southern Baptist Conven tion "I use this method to prepare churches and workers before e v e r y campaign. M a n y souls have come to Cnrist as a result of this wonderful plan!"
Dr. Z. P. Carles, Director, Spanish Christian Mission, Toronto, Canada "Your book has completely changed my outlook on. evan gelism. Our mission is bring ing souls to Christ with this plan."
The Author C. S. Lovett, one of the greatest au thorities in the field of personal evangelism has been remarkably conditioned to express deep Bible truths in useful and practical language. While a successful building contractor, he responded to God's call to study for the ministry. Graduating magna cum laude, he became Air Force Chaplain, practising psychologist, and pastor. In personal con tacts alone, he has won more than 3,000 to Christ.
Mr. Walter Hanson, Sacramento, Calif. Real Estate Man "I praise God for bringing this plan into my life. I am winning souls myself and teaching others. The Lord is raising up soul-win ners everywhere with this meth od."
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