pages of Scripture are now being fulfilled before our very eyes. Let us list some of the signs. They drive us inescapably to the conclusion that the Lord’s return is very near. One of the prophecies which is being fulfilled is found in II Peter 3:3, 4: ‘ ...z owing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?” A scoffing attitude of unbelief, we are told in this passage from II Peter, will characterize the days immediately pre ceding our Saviour’s return. “In the last days” people will be challenging belief in the second coming, and in some cases actually ridiculing the teaching. A second sign which drives me to the conviction that Christ’s coming is near is the religious unconcern abroad in the world today. Callousness and carelessness with re gard to the things of Christ have always been present. But they will increase in the last days and thus point un erringly toward the return of Christ. And that is pre- cisely what we are observing today. A third impressive sign clearly enunciated in the Word of God is the prediction that shortly before our Lord’s return there will be an “ apostasy,” a falling away from the faith of our fathers. Unbelief has always been rampant. But never more widespread than today. Spur ious sects abound in the twentieth century. The old- fashioned, saving gospel of the grace of God is widely spurned. The integrity of the Scriptures is denied even in some ecclesiastical circles. The growing apostasy pro claims the approach of the Son of God. A fourth sign is outward formalism. In the latter days, we are told, a strange phenomenon will be observ able. Inward unbelief will be cloaked in outer ritualism. Faithlessness will be concealed by ceremonialism. The
apostle Paul puts it this way: “Having a form of godli ness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (II Timothy 3:5). A fifth sign of the near return of Christ is the increase of wickedness on all hands. Paul describes the last days as “perilous times” (II Timothy 3:1). He then explains the nature of the peril. (Study with care II Timothy 3:1- 9). Essentially men will be “ lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (II Timothy 3:4). A sixth sign that the advent of the Son of God may be very near is that there are today more natural dis turbances than ever before. Earthquakes, famines and pestilences have characterized human history, for since the fall of man nature has been under the divine curse (Romans 8:22). But the Lord Jesus teaches that these things will increase in number, intensity, and destructive effect toward the close of the age. But there are five additional signs, all unique during the past few decades, which clinch the matter: 1. A political consolidation in Western Europe. 2. A great northern confederation of nations. 3. Far East nations are awaking from political slumber. 4. Israel is back in her land. 5. The atomic age, with all its stupendous fury, is upon us. Christ’s return is indeed near. His coming to receive believers is the first step in a series of dramatic prophetic events. The important point for me is — Am I ready for His coming? Am I trusting the Saviour with all my being? Only in that case may I join with the apostle John in the earnest prayer, “ Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22 : 20 ).
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