King's Business - 1962-11


The Christian Sentinel

by Nelson. S. Dilworth California State Senator, Retired

W o u l d y o u l i k e to live in a coun­ try where no Christian citizen is permitted to occupy any position in government? There are such coun­ tries today — nearly a score of them. They allow no one in a government position who believes in Christ, in God, who respects the Ten Command­ ments or the Bible. Are you surprised that all of these countries have experienced wholesale purges, mass executions, habitual hunger, forced labor camps, churches seized for use as military warehouses and soldier barracks? In each of these countries atheism has been established as the compulsory, official religion and is vigorously taught to very child in school; private schools have been closed and their property seized by the government. Is it any wonder that our daily pap­ ers contain news dispatches stating that atheist soldiers with machine guns and bayonets patrol stone walls and there is barbed wire on the bor­ ders of these countries to prevent or destroy their own people who seek to escape to the freedom of countries where God is honored? With election time at hand, should we not as Christians give thought to the need of keeping in our govern­ ment activities sincere Christian rep­ resentatives who believe in freedom? We could well have more Christian leaders in our government who ob­ serve the Ten Commandments and believe that even governments should not steal. We need men and women who are devoted to religious liberty and to the worship of God to give our children the Christian truth. Yes, I mean that we should have men in official positions who can pray, who are on speaking terms with Almighty God it is right that the Christian peo­ ple of America should have sincere representatives among our legislative groups who will consider the proper place of Christian morality and re­ spect for God’s revealed word in law­ making and education. Think and pray before you vote. Christian leaders in government have no other protection from atheist at­ tacks except your vote.

How the employer's "matching gift" to Biola works . . . The importance and significance of our nation’s private colleges and universities are recognized increasingly by established business firms. These companies encourage their employees to donate to schools which are preparing America’s future leaders. In essence, the plan means that a company will match or even double the amount that any of its employees give to a school of their choice.. In some instances, since Biola is training spiritual leaders, corporations will give even more than the “matching plan” for added employee incentive in stewardship. In most cases firms already have forms which would be filled out for proper credit and matching company gifts. In each case Biola issues receipts for income tax purposes. B IO LA COLLEGE The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California □ I am interested in more information about Biola and its diversified ministries. □ M y company ............................................................................... uses the employee-employer giving program. □ Please send brochure listing some of the companies which carry on this program. I

N A M E .. A D D R E SS C IT Y ....

I I ST A T E .............................. I


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