King's Business - 1962-11

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Glancing at the windows of homes in our neighborhood, we do not see the empti- ,4» ness and spiritual void which is the lot of so many families. It lies within our power to give to such families, at this coming Christmas season, a gift which could well result in their acceptance of the Supreme Gift — God's Only Begotten Sen.

The value of a gift cannot bo measured by the amount of money one spends. One of the finest remembrances is a publication which, twelve months out of the year, brings vital .truth and practical daily application to the lives of each member of the heusehold.


First of all, God awakens our hearts to the need. We see the people next door, our neighbors down the street, relatives in distant cities. They may all be fine, moral people, yet without a knowledge of Jesus Christ . . . LOST! Your own home has been a testimony to them. Doubtless you have tried to speak of the Saviour in various ways. Yet you feel the urgent need to do some­ thing more, yearning to see them won to the Lord. There is a simple method by which they can be reached with the Gospel.

At the Christmas season, publishers urge us to let friends and relatives know of our love by giving magazine subscriptions. This is a practical thought because our remem­ brance enters the home every month of the year. THE KING'S BUSINESS, however, is far more than just a token of our thought­ fulness. For more than a half-century, our total editorial purpose has been to strength­ en the spiritual battlements of the home. A publication which will do this fulfills a double purpose in spiritual giving.

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covers like this introduce Christian Truth to your Loved Ones

PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS As soonaswereceive the order blank attached, our staff wil prepare a beautiful Christmas card to send to eachone whom you indicate. Signed with your name, it will stand out among the other cards received at Christmas announcing your thoughtfulness for the months to come. mu* h a n d y o r d o r f o r i n t

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