King's Business - 1962-11

OneMillion Gospels Distributed in Pern•Ecuador •Colombia



PTL teams with two sound trucks start Scripture distribution and evangelization campaign in Bolivia. Pray that the necessary funds may be provided for this new thrust in our South America Campaign.


H e died for me ,” said the man who was speaking to a group of natives seated around a campfire in the African bush. One of their num­ ber was missing. The speaker told how during the day’s hunt he had been attacked by a wounded animal. He said, “ I would surely have been killed, but my friend rushed to my aid. Dur­ ing the struggle he was fatally in­ jured.” He paused, and then repeated, “He died for me.” A missionary sitting in the circle listening to the story suddenly leaned forward in astonishment. The native hunter had used a word he had never before heard in their language. It was an expression telling how someone died for another. The missionary had been trying to tell these natives “ Christ died for us.” But there was no word in their language that would give them this meaning. The missionary arose and again told the story of Christ’s death for us who were His enemies. As he used the word the native hunter had used, a look of understanding came upon the faces of the men around the camp fire. “He died for us as my friend died for me” were the words of the man whose life had been saved by his friend. Now the missionary told them the story of Christ’s suffering and death, and they understood. God’s Son died for His enemies, for every­ one. This is the story to tell. His death was the one of infamy and betrayal. The whole human race betrayed Him. He was made a public spectacle, hu­ miliated beyond description. His death was one of intense suffering. He bore the guilt of our sins. He died in our place. We all are guilty of sin and deserve to die. But He died in our place. He did this because He loved us, His enemies. This is the story to tell. Someone is waiting to hear it from you. He may never have heard it. Or he may never have heard it from someone who can tell it the way you can. This is the story to tell. Tell it!

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