King's Business - 1962-11

of it foreign literature. It would seem that in any case this is a significant book for those interested in the schol­ arly approach to the missionary task. 270 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $5.00.

N ew s of m iss iona ry, orphan and relief ac tivities of the Am e rica n M ission to Greeks

NewTestament interpretation fromthe original Greek Text

BOOK ENDS_________ (A Review of Current Publications)

INSIGHTS INTO HOLINESS compiled by Ken­ neth Geiger. 294 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $3.50. Fifteen leading scholars of Wesleyan perfection contribute to this sym­ posium on the doctripe. The compiler is President of the National Holiness Association, and the contributors represent a number of the colleges in this tradition. The essays are the result of a number of seminars conducted on various campuses during the fall of 1961. DAWN OF DEVOTION by Sarah Anne Jepson. 560 pages; cloth; Moody. Press, Chicago;. $2.95. Daily devotions for the entire year based on anecdotes of spiritual life collected from many sources. Poetry and Scripture are used frequently. Authors of quoted material are identified wher­ ever possible. BETTER JUNIOR HIGH TEACHING by Edith N. Lantz. 95 pages; paper; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $1.25. BETTER ADULT TEACHING by Earl C. Wolf. 120 pages; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $1.25. Each book has six chapters and is a man­ ual for training course, leading to the Christian Service Training Credit issued by Christian Serv­ ice Training of Kansas City. CHURCH HANDBOOK by J. Vernon Jacobs. 128 pages; paper; Standard Publishing Co., Cin­ cinnati; $1.50. This manual is prepared for stu­ dent and lay preachers who need basic guidance in the work of the ministry. Suggestions cover various kinds of church services and problems and provides outlines for a number of Bible expositions. PAUL THE MAN by Clarence Edward Macart­ ney. 221 pages; clotn; Fleming H. Revel I Co., Westwood, N. J.; $2.95. Here is a brilliantly-writ­ ten summary of the life of the one whom some­ one has called "The life of the world." Attention is given by Dr. Macartney especially to Paul's life and work as "a mighty evidence of the truth of the Gospel" (p. 7). Description and delinea­ tion are graphic. SHOULD THERE BE A LINE UP W ITH THE CHURCH OF ROME? 40 pages; paper; Faith Theo­ logical Seminary, Philadelphia 17, Pa.; $ .35 (three copies for $1.00). This is a succinct and comprehensive survey of the question raised by the present tendency to cultivate a closer re­ lationship with the Church of Rome on the part of Protestants, particularly the Church of Eng­ land. It is the work of the British Consultative Committee of the International Council of Chris­ tian Churches. THE DISCIPLINED LIFE by Richard S. Taylor. 102 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $2.00. Discipline is usually needed most by those who desire it least. The reader will- be amazed at the many aspects of this fascinating subject presented here by a Nazarene educator who has ministered both in Australia and the U. S. SANCTIFICATION AND ITS SYNONYMS by W . T. Purkiser. 96 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $1.50. The bulk of this ma­ terial constituted the Aycock Lectures at Bethany Nazarene College in 1959. Here we have a care­ ful exposition of the doctrine as held by the Church of the Nazarene, written by the editor of its chief paper, The Herald of Holiness. THE INCOMPARABLE BOOK by Wilbur M. Smith. 64 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $.75. Manual designed to accom­ pany the Bible reading program for 1962. Gives brief summaries of the main purpose and con­ tents o.f the various sections or the Bible. STEPS TO CRUCIFIXION, A LENTEN SERIES by Paul P. Fryhling. 117 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $1.95. Nine mes­ sages on aspects of the last days of Christ on earth. The author is senior pastor at First Cove­ nant Church in Minneapolis. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.


with Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary of the American Mission to Greeks, Inc.

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